
Five years have passed since the big earthquake in Northern Japan. When I thought about the suffering of the all those people i could not stand by and watch. We gathered up things and people and went to the disaster area. All the people were so very grateful when I think about all those memories it touches my heart.
When I looked upon the disaster the fear was and is imbedded in my mind forever. Zion and my dear friend Wataru is visiting us today. Wataru is now working in Fukushima cleaning up the area.
He told us many things about what is happening there. He tells us about the people from there and also the people from all over working to make Japan recover from this disaster. Healing is taking place and the bravery of all the people is heart warming.
Now the world is faced with many problems.
Japan in the new future is awaiting the olympics hoping to bring light and hope to the world.
I am hoping thru the olympics this disaster will also bring all of japan and the world in this
bright light. I want to be part of this fight although as one not very strong all of working together can make this a reality.
I will do my best.
