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caiya, azco, and jacqui
$caiyaオフィシャルブログ MAJI-Caiya Powered by アメブロ
Caiya and Azco
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Caiya and Jacqui with the Real Caiya
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Lunch box Sakura
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Cows tongue Gyu ton at Kondo`s shotan


How I met Mayo

A journey of unconditional love..
Do we marry our soul mate?

In life we all have experiences of falling in love. Why we do fall in love? Is it all real love? Or another production of our loneliness?; “ one loves to love, love”...

The beauty of love is to reinforce our energy and heal the wounded heart. Love even creates
dependency, placing your mood high, and making it difficult to live without it. Some might
say it is like a drug, very additive.

I met Mayo in a culb in Roppoingi…., I thought he was gay at first, but he kept asking me for my number persistently, which I ignored at first. I suggested that if he gives me his number, I would call him back and I did a week later. Sadly he did not recognize my voice and thought I was another woman. I was upset and hung up.

Strangely I met him again by chance at Michael Jacksons party and again at another bar, and we started dating. When I met him at the Michael Jacksons party, I thought he was annoying,
since I was upset about him from previous experience. However, when I met him the third time, I knew we would marry, whether I wanted to or not.

I felt there was a force to lead me to this…and there is a reason why I met Mayo in this life.

Do we always marry the one we are madly in love? I am not sure of that part, but my
experience teach me, that passion is not always the reason. Surely timing matters…if we
could find out why we married our partner, that enriches our understanding of the purpose of our life.

Have you ever been madly in love, that is authentic?
Someone told me that we experience this three times in our entire life.

Is your husband your real soul mate that is meant to be? Is your husband the ONE you loved most in your entire life? What is the different between the loves you experience in life and the love you marry? Life will tell you. What I learned is, every love experience teaches you, adding special spices on your life to be a better person. Even if you experience is a bitter one, do not forget to be gracious about it.

Ultimate purpose of love experience is to enhance ourselves to teach us to give an
unconditional love; and not to expect anything but to accept and give, wishing only happiness for your partner. Through that you will experience inner peace in yourself that leads to the
greatest pleasures and fulfillment in your life.

Don't be afraid of falling in love. The journey will lead to real happiness.

Yesterday I went to Sendai for a marriage talk show with Azco Okano. It was such an
amazing event and reminded me of my days with Mayo…

Please let us all be happy…
