
人は皆違う指紋があるように、人それぞれ違う夢を持つ。 皆それぞれ才能を持ち、考え方や言う事も違ってくる。

小さい事が自分の夢への一歩だから。 夢を叶えるきっかけかもしれないから。





(希望をなくした。。。無くした物は探す事が出来る。 夢と希望を取り戻して、失わないようにがんばって。 植木のように毎日水をあげて、育てる事はあなたにしか出来ないんだから。)チューリップ黄チューリップ赤チューリップ紫チューリップピンクチューリップオレンジ

(太りすぎ、痩せすぎ、魅力がない。。。オプラ・ウィンフリーは長年体重で苦労したけれども、今アメリカのメディアで最もパワフルな人たちの内の一人。 本物の才能にはサイズなんてないの。 外見は、「綺麗」な人だけど、中身がとっても酷い人は、数え切れないほど沢山いる。)

(子供がいる。。。友達にはシングルマザーで夢を叶える事が出来た人がいっぱいいる。 お母さんたちには、マルチタスクが出来るのは、みんな知ってるにひひ



Love, CAIYAドキドキ

dream a big dream...
people waste their dreams...by never doing anything to make them happen! Let's be dream makers....not dream wasters!

Just like each person has their own fingerprints and likes and dislikes....you have your own personal dream...and your own one-of-a-kind-talent...no one else will say they same things you will, paint a painting the way you will, sing a song the same way...

Whatever moves you, excited you, whatever you have a "knack" for.....go after it! Go after it, big time! The small details are what will make your big dreams....come true!

And don't listen to the dream-stopper lies that try to prevent your dream from happening...
your never:
*too old, or too young....(The world famous chef Julia Child, didn't start cooking until she was in her 50's)

*not talented enough...(some of the most famous people were told they had no talent! From Frank Sinatra to The Beatles!)

*have no time...(some of the most amazing inventions and books were written when people had to do them at night, because they were busy with work or kids during the day)

*you have lost hope....(whatever is lost can be found.....find your dream and your hope..and work hard to keep it alive...water your dreams & hopes, daily....no one can make them grow except you...and God...but we have to do our part!)

*too fat or thin, not attractive enough.....(Oprah has struggled with her weight, but she became the most powerful women (person) in the media...true talent doesn't have a size or a beauty rating! I've seen some "pretty" people that were the ugliest people I've ever seen, and no one wanted them around!)

*you have kids and don't know how you'll do it....(I know of an actress, that was so desired, the studio paid for her to move to Hollywood, they paid for her house in the Hills, and they paid for her to have a Nanny service at her disposal...a lot of my friends are moms, or single moms...and they have been able to make their dreams come true, with their babies right by their side!)...everyone knows, moms have incredible work ethics, they can multi-task like nobody's business....maybe you can't answer the phone when kids are yelling...but thank goodness for email and texting! ha ha ha ha

Each small decision I made, was going to have a huge effect!

So today...or even next week...start making tiny decisions to power up your big dreams!!!

Remember, every giant journey...is made up of a bunch of little steps....
typed with huge love for you and your dreams...Caiya