



時々私にも、BAD DAYやSAD DAYがあるよ。 人生のうまくいかない事が重なり、息苦しくなって、もう無理!って思っちゃう日。 

でも、そんな時に思ったの。 「カイヤ、やめて、なんで自分のアドバイスを聞かないの?」 「自分は生きているじゃない、息をしているじゃない、自分は強いんだ」って。。。

天国の腕に包まれて愛や平和を感じたい気分だったの。 でその瞬間に体だけじゃなくって、私の心まで天国にハグをもらったように感じた。 神様からのハグ!

BAD DAY の取り扱い説明書。

1.時々私たちには、休憩が必要だと思う。 今している事をちょっとストップして、リラックスする事も大丈夫なんだって思うのも大事。 マインドエスケープできる、面白い映画を見るとか。 ちょっと昼寝をしたら、起きたらもっとリフレッシュするでしょ。目

2.美味しい物を食べる。 ナイフとフォーク

3.ちょっと時間をとって泣く。 時々泣くことしか出来ない事もあるでしょ。 泣いて心の庭に水を注いで、チューリップ黄魂から虹が出てくるように。虹虹

4. 私たちはみんな生きているんだと感じる。 どんなに心が折れそうな気持ちになっても、時間が経てば直るんだって。明日の朝、次の日、明日の夜にでも。。。

5. 時々子供に戻って、神様の暖かい腕に逃げ込んで、やさしく包んでもらって、平和と幸せな気分でいっぱいいっぱいにしてもらう。 神様の暖かい愛はいつでもそこにいてくれるから。 私たちの悲しみを分かっていてくれて、すぐに癒してくれの。天使

6. 自分は自分が思っているより強くて、自分が思っているよりも勇ましい。 自信だけでも、いろんな事に立ち向かえる事ができる。グー

つらい事や傷つく事が起きたら、それは私をもっと強く、たくましく、忍耐強くしてくれる。 さらにいろんな事に立ち向かえるようにしてくれる。 ぜったいに止まないし負けない。 幸せでいるのをやめない。 笑うのをやめない。 うれしく、たのしくいるのをやめない。

だから私は言うの、今日は悲しさに負けない。 ひどい言葉に傷つけられない。 勝ち残って、試練に振り向いて、最後にありがとう!って言えるこうに。

心の中でみんなの隣で手を繋いでいるよ。 泣きたくなっても、震えだしても、傷ついても、大丈夫。 がんばろう! 心の中で私が 「大丈夫、気持ちわかるよ、でもいっしょにがんばろう」っていってるのを感じて。


caiyaオフィシャルブログ MAJI-Caiya Powered by アメブロ

I hear sometimes people wish that they could live a day in my life....
sometimes my life doesn't feel as glamorous or enchanted as people think...ha ha ha

Today, it just felt like one thing after another was spiraling into a horrible, sad day....

From small things going wrong, like not being able to edit and upload the video I wanted to....to big things going wrong.....that made me spend my afternoon trying not to cry when I had to run papers into places, so people wouldn't think I was crying!

I just felt like I wanted to run away, and that there was no where that I could run to that my problems wouldn't find me.

I have bad days. Sad days. Days when the things going wrong in my life, can begin to consume me and make me think I just can't handle this anymore. I won't bore you all with the depressing parts of my day...they are awful enough that I don't want to spread them around. ha ha ha) But I will say, I felt like I just wanted to escape, the emotions that these things bring to my life are overwhelming to say the least. I just felt, "if life is going to be this way...I just can't handle it anymore"!

Then I thought, "stop it caiya! You're not even listening to your own advice!"..."you are alive, you are breathing, you are strong"....
I needed a hug and I needed one bad! I did get a hug...but more importantly, I felt like I needed the arms of heaven to open up and wrap me in love and peace...and in that moment....I felt like, not just me, but my heart got the biggest hug from heaven....I got a God hug! Ain't nothin' like a heavenly hug.


1. sometimes we just need to take a break...stop whatever we're doing...know that we can call it a day. Watch a fun or funny "escape for your mind" movie. And know that you might just need to rest, take a nap or sleep, and when you wake up you'll feel more refreshed.

2. Eat something yummy. Sometimes we need to feed our hearts and soul.

3. Take a moment, and cry if you need to, sometimes that's the only way we water the garden of our heart and the rainbow can come out over our soul!

4. Remember that we are alive, no matter how our heart may feel like it's breaking, we will always feel better as time ticks on, the next morning, the next day, the next night.

5. Sometimes we can be like little kids, and run to God, his heavenly arms are always open and ready to catch us, hug us, and fill us with peace and happiness. He's knows our hurt, our pain, and he can heal our hearts faster and better than anything!

6. You are stronger than you know, you are braver than you think, and you can go through more things...with confidence than you can even imagine!

I love these words:

I will, continually count it all joy when I go though hard things, things that hurt...you know why? Because I will be stronger, I will have more endurance, I will be able to endure more...and I will NEVER quit! I will never quit being happy! I will never quit smiling! I will never quit being joyful!

So I say: TODAY, you will not ruin me with your heartaches. You will not ruin me with your words! You will not ruin me with all the things that have come against me and my heart! We will be victorious! And I will look back at all I've been through, and I will say: THANK YOU!

I love you all, and I stand with you, holding your hand in my heart....crying, maybe shaking, trembling and hurt....but we will make it! We will get through it! Feel my heart hugging you, holding your hand, saying, "I know what it feels like....but we are gonna make it sweet heart of yours!".....

in love and joy, your friend, Caiya