ロケできぐち みさおさんという方に会ったよ。彼女はカラーを勉強し始めてから人生が変わったって言ってって、私は興味しんしんだった。目
彼女にカラーリーディングをしてもらったよ。 チョキ


Color&Mdina イムデ 一ナ
I met with Misao Kiguchi on my next location stop....... As I was interviewing her about how her life changed when she starting study color I was so interesting. I truly believe in the power of what color is trying to tell us.
She gave me a short color reading. You actual pick the colors that pop out to you.
I was not surprised to find out I am me and I not only want to get back to me (see a pattern with previous blogs) but I am ready for challenges and ready to go on to new phases in my journey....
Here I come world..............

Also I went to so many incredible places these days. I am so sorry I cannot mention all of them. But I met amazing people. Thank you all..........hope to meet again............