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Title: Do we really need instructions??
When I went to the restroom today
I noticed the instructions for how
to use the toilet. Do we really need instructions??
It reminds me when I first came to Japan
and for the longest
time I thought how silly to put the
toilet paper behind you
in a place so hard to reach. After about
my third visit
I figured out I was using the toilet the wrong way.
Instead of facing the toilet and the toilet paper
I was sitting on it like a western toilet.
That's why the toilet paper was so hard to reach.
Looking at the instructions of the how to use the
toilet today made me think that we all view
the same thing in such different ways. But that
is what makes us so unique.
I live life with no instructions and
I think that is a good thing.
Without instructions on how to use the Japanese
toilet I figured out by myself.
Live and Learn that is my motto!!!!!