
caiyaオフィシャルブログ MAJI-Caiya Powered by アメブロ

caiyaオフィシャルブログ MAJI-Caiya Powered by アメブロ

caiyaオフィシャルブログ MAJI-Caiya Powered by アメブロ

Title* 1 month checkしっぽフリフリ
The babies しっぽフリフリwent in for there 1 month check-up. They are getting biggerアップ while Wednesday is getting smaller ダウンthan before she gave birth.She is losing so much weightダウン.
The babies are 1.8 ,1.6, 1.2. There are しっぽフリフリしっぽフリフリ2 boys are the bigger ones ,then theしっぽフリフリ girl is the smallest. Dr. Nishimura said the dogs are like
having 6 dogs for Wednesday because of the size. We will start feeding them already so Wednesday does not fade awayDASH!.
Wednesday is such aドキドキ great mom always checking her babies しっぽフリフリand cleaning them. If they even make a peep she is running to there
Taro`s わんわんMomma, Nana came with her daughter Kana. they saw the puppies for the first time. They fell in loveドキドキ and our considering taking one.... Come on I know you want tooラブラブ.....
Zion insists we take one also......
That leaves one more................
It is tough to give them up汗. We have become so attached to them.... They are like part of the family音譜........
But as long as they find a good home家 with lots of loveドキドキ I will be very happyラブラブ!...
Also if I can see them grow upニコニコ happy and healthy ニコニコthere is no more I can as for.....
But for now they are happy and healthy and ssssssssssssooooooooooooooooo adorableドキドキドキドキ..................