

Title* Policemen

Today, I was driving車 and I was going over the railroad tracks 地下鉄when
the bing bing bingベル started so I was in a hurry to get across. When I
got on the other side to my disbelieve a
policemen was right in front of me trying to cross the road on his
bicycle自転車. He started screaming at me........叫び????????? I don`t get it I
was the one who had the right to cross the
tracks.はてなマーク He was wrong for crossing the street at that place and he was
screaming at me??????!? I don`t understand people in authority they
think what ever they do is okayOK and even
if the other person is right...... It really pisses me offショック!.... wanted
to scream叫び at him back but what was the point........ I am not saying
all policemen are like that but it sure makes you
think シラーthere should be some kind of testing to enter that line of
work....... The policeman I ran into has anプンプン anger management problem!!

and I have run into quite a few........ Hollier tha n now
attitude...... Give me a break and keep checking bicycles 自転車numbers like
that gives this country any kind of sense of security!!!!!!!!!?!?!?ダウン