About a year ago somebody decided to write a few nasty blogs about me
. At that time I thought it was so immature I ignored it. We will
all get old someday and lose our memories. Have to make -up events to
get attention even though people don`t really care what we say. Plus,
I was raised with a proper upbringing where you always respect your
elders.. In this case very elderly.
Some of us will choose to use our time wisely while others will have
nothing better to do then say bad things about others. I hope when I
get old I choose the earlier of the two.
It must be hard to get old and lose what little fame and beauty you
had in earlier years especially when that`s all you based your life
I think its always better to work more on the inside YOUR HEART (IF
YOU HAVE ONE) then the outside which will fade away eventually.
Some of us when we get old will try to hold onto what little beauty we
have with SURGERY after SURGERY which only makes us look worse in the
end.. Thank God I am not at the point or probably never will be....
It must be so DIFFICULT to always wake up ANGRY at the WORLD and
everybody in it........What a waste..................
People like that usually die of a heart attack you have held on
If you know what I mean...........
Let`s talk about lies shall we.............. WE pretend we are still
desirable by hanging onto young good looking male model
types............... Talk about a good laugh.............. I know to
well the real story behind that...............................
Carry on sweetie, not that anybody`s listening... Whatever does it for
Personally, my life is filled with so many wonderful things I don`t
have time to give you a second thought.....Sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I didn`t know you loved me so much and thought about me so often.............
Thanks for the free advertising though..
I hope one day you will find happiness and stop driving everyone away
with your wickedness..