Hi These are my two babies. Kawaii deshiyo. Left hidari is Wednesday Friday Right Migi is Raw.

They go every where with me. Itsumo issho. We went to Setegaya Park the other day. Sugoku tanoshikata.

June 24 I went to Nerima. They have a beautiful park there. It was so peaceful. I got some real good energy from the old trees. Sugoku ii ki energy aru tokoro. Shakujii Koen.

For my job I went to Adachi ku. Ther are really nice people they are so down to earth. The family had a bomb shelter and a special building for emergency. Over 100 yrs. old.

Watashi no tomodachi shiteru??? Hiroo tabeni ita organic mise de. yasai mecha mecha amakatta yo.

Veggie Paradise juice nonda tokini kawaii girl half german (like me )demo japanese half (watashi half

german to native American (indian) ) watashi no tokoro kite hisa no sit down shite asobi mashita.

Unbelievabley Cute. Happy!!!!

Lately I have been going to Kiyomasa well to meditate. I love it there it is so very peaceful. Something always good happens after i spend some time there.

My friend owns these large elephants. They are carved out of one tree. Picture does not do justice they are beautiful pieces of art. Mecha Mecha Okii Zo.

The other day when I was meditating in my house. I saw some incredible things can`t explain all but when I finished I found this penny with an angel wing carved out. What do you think? Thats not all.

Zion has a long summer holiday Raw is happy to spend time with his buddy.

My job last week I went to Jiyugoaka to interview about new nails there was a dog named Kai just like Raw above. Then I went to Tojiki same day to interview about dog clothes there was a dog just like Wednesday Friday. There son name was the same as mine and there other dog had the same name as mine. Wow Wow!!!!!!!!

This my gorgeous daughter Keito. This is here Prom picture she will be heading to CA. to pursue her dream of acting in Hollywood. Go Get um!!!