今朝の上田はWest CoastのようなBlue Skyが広がり最高!#GoBruins | Be an optimist and always believe in A Brighter Future!!

Be an optimist and always believe in A Brighter Future!!

UCLA卒業、バブル時代商社でサラリーマンを経験し、故郷上田でビンテージバイクの輸入販売をはじめ現在に至る。古き良き時代のJapanese Vintageバイクの魅力を配信中!!



☆☆☆さあ~Here Comes Sunday!! Folks!!☆☆☆

皆さん、おはようございます。BRUINが開店しました!! 明日、Mondayは休みになります。 残りわずかになったVintage Z達をご覧に来ませんか? 




Bury  your worries with a sunset and wake up fresh with new hopes every morning. Good luck! - See more at: http://www.dgreetings.com/support_cards/good_luck/good-luck-messages.html#sthash.dsNj6HNO.dpuf


All  the best for a bright future! May there be success at every turn of life and all your dreams come true! - See more at: http://www.dgreetings.com/support_cards/good_luck/good-luck-messages.html#sthash.IOFMuGUD.dpuf
Bury  your worries with a sunset and wake up fresh with new hopes every morning. Good luck! - See more at: http://www.dgreetings.com/support_cards/good_luck/good-luck-messages.html#sthash.dsNj6HNO.dpuf

All the best for a bright future! May there be success at every turn of life and all your dreams come true!





Here' s smooth and Jazzy sound especially I chose for you this Sunday morning!!


それでは、Beautiful Blue Skyは期待できませんが、Make Your Sunday Beautiful And Lavish, Folks!!

From BRUIN Ueda-City, Nagano-Pref, Japan
Since 1999
Jul 5.2015