★今日も大人気のZ1B青玉虫のレストア作業に集中します! | Be an optimist and always believe in A Brighter Future!!

Be an optimist and always believe in A Brighter Future!!

UCLA卒業、バブル時代商社でサラリーマンを経験し、故郷上田でビンテージバイクの輸入販売をはじめ現在に至る。古き良き時代のJapanese Vintageバイクの魅力を配信中!!



 皆さん、おはようございます。6月最初の土曜日の営業スタートしました!! 早朝まで雨でしたが、現在上田とても気持ち良い晴れ間がでています。 是非、天気のいいのでVintage Zをご覧に上田に足を運んでください。 














Your Goddamn Cool Z1 Blue Soon To Be Ready!!

Make Your Own Future Brighter and Be An Optimist!!


An optimistic person thinks the best possible thing will happen, and hopes for it even if it's not likely. Someone who's a tad too confident this way is also sometimes called optimistic.

If you see the glass as half-full when others see it as half-empty; if you look on the bright side of things, you're optimistic. If the chain falls off your rusty old bicycle, a tire goes flat, the frame cracks down the middle, the seat keeps twisting around, and you say, "But look! The little bell still works — I'm sure this bike will be fine," you're being very optimistic, though some might venture to call you "delusional."



音節de・lu・sion 発音記号/dɪlúːʒən/ 音声を聞く  


【不可算名詞】 惑わし,欺き.





〈…という思い違い妄想 〈that〉.
















Make Your Weekend Splendid and Joyful, Everyone!!




From BRUIN Ueda-City, Nagano-Pref, Japan
Since 1999
Jun 6.2015