今日から8月ですが、一生記憶に残る”Summer of 2022"にしましょうね! | Be an optimist and always believe in A Brighter Future!!

Be an optimist and always believe in A Brighter Future!!

UCLA卒業、バブル時代商社でサラリーマンを経験し、故郷上田でビンテージバイクの輸入販売をはじめ現在に至る。古き良き時代のJapanese Vintageバイクの魅力を配信中!!


☆☆☆ さあ~今日から8月!新たな気持ちで頑張ります!☆☆☆



  皆さん、おはようございます。 今日から8月、BRUINのNew Weekがスタートです。今月もよろしくお願いします。暑い日がまだまだ続きますが、記憶に残る2017年の夏にしましょうね!


☆☆☆BRUINのNew Serviceのご紹介☆☆☆

 皆さん、こんにちは!!いよいよ8月に突入ですね。私は、何時も思いますが、Every Summerもスペシャルであり、思い出に残る、記憶に残る夏にしたいと思っています。50を過ぎると、どうしても元気でいられるRemaining Lifeを有効にEnjoyしたいと言う気持ちが強くなりますね。さて、話はオートバイのメカニカルな話に移行ですが、こんな暑い(Summer)中ですが、BRUINのNew Serviceのご案内です。Z1,Z2, Mk.Ⅱ、 KZ1000等でセカンド(二速)&その他ギアが滑って困っておられる方、お気軽にご相談くださいね!!

Fixing A Transmission That Slips!!


外からは見えない所ですが、最重要箇所ですからね!!Take Care してあげないとね!!




*上記Picで、角が丸くなって部分をご覧ください。 このくらい丸くなってしまうと2nd ギアが滑ってしまいますので、交換が必要になります。


Simply Be Happy Today, Folks!!


この夏、Your 愛馬を快調にしませんか!!


Power to the people from Ueda to the World!!


それでは、Have a tremendous Friday, Folks!!

From BRUIN Shinsyu Ueda Japan
Since 1999
Aug 1.2014


 皆さん、こんにちは、日本のTV Newsでも紹介されましたが、Los Angeles、WestwoodにあるUCLAが93年(訂正Not 70年)ほど前に地中に造られた水道管(かなりでかいメイン管)が破裂し、キャンパス内に流れ込み被害が出ました。下記Picsをご覧になれば分かると思いますが、一見近代的で綺麗な町並みですが、基礎のインフラはかなり古く老朽化が進んでいます。日本も米国のここら辺は同じですね。UCLAの行動は早く、行政をあてにせず、学校独自でFundを作り、今回は$1.000.000.を災害復興費用に充てる目的ですでにUCLAのOB.,OG,Alumniに呼びかけいます。

Chancellor's Emergency Flood Relief Fund

The Emergency

(*Photo courtesy of The Daily Bruin)

On July 29th, a 30-foot geyser of water shot through the air when a 93-year-old pipe ruptured on Sunset Boulevard near the Westwood Plaza entrance to UCLA, pummeling our campus with about 20 million gallons of water.

It happened quickly, but as we continue to survey the extent of the physical damage, we turn to the important task of repairing these facilities and helping our campus get back to normal.

                     Today we move forward united.

The Damage on Campus

Student, faculty, staff and visitor vehicles and equipment

(*Photo courtesy of The Daily Bruin)

Seven structures are currently being assessed for damage, including some of the most personal and cherished places at UCLA. In our parking structures 4 & 7, nearly a thousand cars are currently trapped, awaiting recovery. 

Importantly, these trapped cars and lost property impact students, faculty, staff and visitors. Our goal is to provide support so that these individuals may reestablish their daily lives.

Pauley Pavilion

(*Photo courtesy of The Daily Bruin)

“It's painful. As you know we just refurbished Pauley a few years ago and it's a beautiful structure. It's, of course, a symbolic structure for this entire campus.” -Chancellor Gene Block

Pauley Pavilion, the home of five elite UCLA sports teams (men's and women's basketball, men's and women's volleyball, and women's gymnastics), needs restoration from the flood. At one point, Wooden Court floor lay submerged in over eight inches of water, with damage extending to locker rooms, weight rooms and the Pavilion Club.

The round-the-clock cleanup of the facility is currently underway and we are confident in its restoration.

However, the current damage extends beyond our athletic facilities. For example, The John Wooden Center, which provides vital access to recreational and wellness activities, suffered significant damage.

Our goal is to have these facilities restored and open for our coming fall quarter.

The Spirit of UCLA

Our community does not back down from challenges. We unite to overcome adversity and this will be no different.

We will overcome one of the largest emergencies we’ve ever faced together.

You Asked How You Can Help - Here's How

As a community, we need to come together and time is of the essence

For current Bruins, you will make an immediate impact on helping your campus. For our alumni, friends and those who stand committed to our community, your financial support will help get our campus back on its feet.

As one community, we can meet this unexpected challenge and restore our campus in time to welcome the class of 2018. 

Where will your gifts go?

Your gifts will go to the Chancellor's Emergency Flood Relief Fund that will serve the unmet needs on our campus, including:

  • Supporting our students, faculty, and staff who were affected by the flood
  • Restoration efforts of flooded buildings and campus landscape
  • Assisting in the effort to restore Pauley Pavilion

How to give?

Give to this campaign

Other ways to give: 

If you would like to make a gift over the phone or a securities exchange gift, please contact our UCLA representatives at (310) 825–2454.

If you have any additional questions regarding your gift please email us at uclaspark@support.ucla.edu 

How you can show your support?

  • Give to our Spark campaign!
  • After you give, change your Facebook and Twitter profile picture to get the word out
  • Let us know what you love most about UCLA via social media using the hashtag #UCLAFloodRelief

Follow UCLA Spark and our updates on Facebook and Twitter: 




私も、本家BRUINが困っている時は、募金をしています。今回も少しですが、Fundに送金したいと思っています。先日、Gene D. Block学長にお会いしたばかりですしね!!


今回の洪水では、このBRUINの足下までは水は来なかったようですね!! このBRUINが流されるようだと大変でしたがね!!



*上記Picは1982年頃のUCLA正門で撮った物で、この頃はお金も学力も無かったので、まさか自分が本当に行けると思っていなかったので、観光気分でしたね!!まさしく、”Good Old Days"ですね!!



困ったときに助け合うのがBRUIN Spiritです!!
Once a BRUIN, Always a BRUIN!!

From BRUIN Shinsyu Ueda Japan
Since 1999
Aug 1.201



Be A Cool Vintage Z-Rider This Year From BRUIN! グッド!


Wishing you all have an awesome and gorgeous day, Folks! グッド!

BRUIN From Ueda-City, Nagano-Pref, Japan

Since 1999

Aug 1.2017