先行予約受付スタート!一台限定!米国よりComing Soon! | Be an optimist and always believe in A Brighter Future!!

Be an optimist and always believe in A Brighter Future!!

UCLA卒業、バブル時代商社でサラリーマンを経験し、故郷上田でビンテージバイクの輸入販売をはじめ現在に至る。古き良き時代のJapanese Vintageバイクの魅力を配信中!!

☆☆☆☆ 個人的に大好き!粋な大人の選択!Cool European Cafe Racer Black or Blue? ☆☆☆☆



 さて、ここでZ1R (European Cafe Racer)を探しておられた方にGood Newsです。Los Angelesの業者から連絡あり、一台Z1R-1が見つかったそうで、しばらくすれは、BRUINに入荷する事になりました。ここで、先行予約でお好きなカラー(Black or Blue Original)でご注文をお受けしますので、2018年度中にZ1R Debutを検討中だった方、お早めにご予約下さい。つきましては、お気軽にお問い合わせくださいね!ラブラブ音譜クラッカーチョキ





*上記YouTube動画で、CR Racingキャブ&手曲げ集合管が奏でる排気音が聴けますので、是非ご覧くださいね!グッド!


 あなたも、Vintage Z-Life を通じて、大人の究極の"粋‐ism" を追求しませんか?

New Word: 粋-ism

*私が、作ったSomething New Wordなので、Urban Dictionary & Wiki、広辞苑にも出ていませんよ!! これからBRUINが発信、広めていきたいと思ています。

Goddamn So Sexy European Cafe Racer Kawasaki Ever Made!!

  *こんなSexyでStylishなEuropean Cafe Racerでご自分の”Perfect Moment"をいっぱい作りませんか? 粋で心良い誰にも邪魔されない、Your Own Perfect Moment!!を演出しませんか? It's all up to you that how wonderful your life will be and might be!! 

 *One of Coolest Vintage Z’s Kawasaki Ever Made!!

*粋な男の粋な選択!!あなたの最高の"Perfect Moment"をEuropean Cafe Racerで演出しましませんか?

Sexy in Black!




Kawasaki Z1R-ⅠBlack  or Original Blue

European Cafe Racer!



・外装一式 New Paint(純正タンク) 

・ステムベアリング テーパーに交換済み
・KEIHIN CR29パイ Racingキャブ装着
・フロントブレーキホース(スレッジライン、Black メッシュ)
・M-Tech 手曲げ集合管新品






エンジンOH(全バラ状態からクランクケースをウエットブラスト処理をしてからBlack Paintしてあります.











*長いようで短い人生、後悔しないように”Enjoy Your Vintage Z-Life"、素晴らしい大自然を満喫しましょう!!

Make Your Own Future Brighter By Choosing the Right Decision!!

We only have one life and one body to care of, and we better do it right. You never know what tomorrow may bring and so we better live this life the best we can and be grateful for everything we have.  

 Again, どんなにInternet, 医学が進歩しても、人間の生命を永遠にすることはできませんし、また、そうなったら困るでしょう!”金融資産”&"想い出”もHeavenには、持っ ていくことはできません。Therefore, 人間は一生懸命、この世にいられる”今”その瞬間をEnjoyすることが大切!

 How Sexy and Cool This Pic Really Is!! Don't You Think? 



   Aiemo - Dreaming Eyes (Wonderful Beach Chillout Lounge Music - Best of Vocal Lounge Music) 

Built For Extraordinary Excitement!!


Liberate your mind

What does it mean to liberate your mind?

*Bingの翻訳だと、”Liberate your mind"は”あなたの心をかいほうします”となっていますが、個人的な訳で表現すると、柔軟で偏見のない価値観をベースに、広く世界を見渡し、自由で独創性に満ちた、弾力のあるMindを持つことだと思います!グッド!


Take a brief moment right now and imagine your life exactly as you want it to be…
• A life free of stress, anger, depression, guilt, fear, sadness, and any other feeling that leaves you feeling less than great

• A body you love with all the energy you desire

• A new or improved relationship
Imagine that from this very moment you experience only joy, happiness, unconditional love, in fact – True freedom!
Emotional freedom and inner balance comes from shifting your state of  consciousness from one of stress and resistance, to one of relaxation  and allowance.

So what prevents you from doing just this? Your thoughts.
For example you may have thoughts of mistrust in a relationship, which  in turn prevents true love. Or, perhaps fears or anxieties that prevent  you from taking action to move your career forward and produce the  financial results you desire.

All actions you choose to take in your life, or actions that you  choose not to take, produce the results that make up the life you are  now experiencing. These actions, or in actions, are motivated by your  thoughts.

So why do you have these thoughts?
Sometimes a set of circumstances in your recent past makes you feel the  way you do. But sometimes feelings can develop from a period of time  much further back in your life, even from the moment of birth or conception.

Up to the age of about 9 we are veritable sponges to our surrounding  environment. As we develop our ego and our emotions we tend to take on  everything that is said or happens to us, whether loving or hurtful. We  may be taught to be tough and not show our feelings; we may be told we  are useless; we may have been told we are to be seen and not heard; told  to shut up instead of enquire; we may have been told we are loved but  then shown unloving behavior.

Numerous situations in our life have taught us to be the way that we  are today. We don’t normally think about these situations unless someone  asks, or we are reminded by something – but the mould has set none the  less.

Sometimes when you reflect on your life, you can see negative  influences that have occurred. If you do not feel as happy, confident or  positive as you would like, it is quite possible that you are holding  onto past negative feelings.

The trick is to let go or release those emotions to liberate your mind and experience true freedom!

How? It’s a choice we all have.

 Be A Cool European Cafe Racer Rider This Year! 

それでは、Let's Brighten and Unforgettable This Year Together, Everyone!! 

BRUIN from Ueda-City, Nagano-Pref, Japan
Since 1999

Mar 3.2018