Facebookで見つけた超問題になりそうな中国のCM!! | Be an optimist and always believe in A Brighter Future!!

Be an optimist and always believe in A Brighter Future!!

UCLA卒業、バブル時代商社でサラリーマンを経験し、故郷上田でビンテージバイクの輸入販売をはじめ現在に至る。古き良き時代のJapanese Vintageバイクの魅力を配信中!!

☆☆☆ この感覚、皆さんはどうお感じになりますか?☆☆☆

 皆さん、おはようございます。今日のSundayは、BRUIN通常営業ですが、BRUINの若いStaffは、私が、昨日行った「浅間ヒルクライム」に出かけたので、2pm頃までは、私が店番です。さて、朝のFacebookで目にとまった注目すべき、Newsを一つ紹介しますね。US TodayのWeb Newsですが、中国の洗剤CMは人種差別的だと論議の的になっていると言うお話しです。英語ですが、動画付きなので、何が問題か?が直ぐわかるはずです。そうなんです、中国製洗剤で、なんと黒人男性が、中国人男性に変身すると言うストーリーです。日本人なら、こんなCMをOn Airしたらどうなるか?くらい小学生でも理解できるできるはず!!

Outrage erupts over racist Chinese detergent ad

A commercial for a Chinese laundry detergent that has gone viral is being criticized for having the dirty stain of racism.

The ad for Qiaobi laundry detergent, which has been deemed by The Huffington Post as perhaps "The Most Racist TV Commercial Ever Made," basically cleanses a black man into a Chinese man.

Here's  how it goes: A black man who has obviously been painting, as he has a brush, bucket and white paint smudges on his face, enters the room and whistles at a Chinese woman who's doing some laundry.

She beckons him forward and he approaches for what seems will result in a kiss, but the woman puts a green detergent pod in his mouth and shoves his head, then his body into the washing machine.

Some noises are heard as the machine operates and when she opens the machine again a Chinese man's head emerges.

Watching the ad, said BuzzFeed News,  "will likely leave you feeling like you need a shower." Several versions appear on YouTube, with one having more than two million views.

English-language Chinese news site Shanghaiist said that the ad had been getting passed around on Chinese messaging app WeChat and had appeared on TV and played in movie theaters this month in China.

The What's On Weibo site,  which tracks Chinese social media, noted that the commercial became the  No. 1 topic on the online forum Reddit with the heading “Seriously China?”.

Both of those sites also posted an Italian laundry detergent commercial from about nine years ago in which a gaunt Italian man is turned into a buff black man. Listen to that ad and you realize the same music is used in the Chinese TV commercial.

On Shangiiast, writer Christopher Ivan offers some possible context for the  ad's creation "Thanks to traditional beauty standards valuing white skin, many Chinese people have a well-established phobia of dark skin which unfortunately also breeds racist attitudes towards people of African descent, who are viewed by some as 'dirty' simply because of their skin tone," he said.

While  the video is causing clamor on U.S. social networks, What's On Weibo's Manya Koetse notes that there has been no mention of the ad on Chinese site Sina Weibo.  And on the laundry soap company Qiabobi's Weibo account there's only some comments on how well the detergent works. "Apparently Qiaobi is better at making laundry detergent than it is at making commercials," Koetse writes.



それでは、Make Your This Sunday Enjoyable and Meaningful, Folks!!

From BRUIN Ueda-City, Nagano-Pref, Japan
Since 1999
May 29.2016