~ -4ページ目

なんで...なんで (;´Д`) Gallows and The Vambie....

しょぼん I just want to dieeeeeeeeeeeeeee...........(T_________T)
Disbands i hate this word プンプン

私は悲しい ・(ノД`)・
~Bright red garden~

Now i can't see them in Japan......
私は日本では見 ることができない
~Bright red garden~

- 2010年07月02日 『Japan Expo 』 ~Kanonさん ~,day 1 -

When my friends and me walk in the Japan expo
I see KANON of An cafe o(^o^)o

~Bright red garden~

~Bright red garden~
I was so happy グッド!

~Bright red garden~

He's so Kakkoii and very very nice ドキドキ
~Bright red garden~

Thank you Kanonさん (^-^)/
~Bright red garden~

~Bright red garden~

For finish this first day,i have take some pictures
~Bright red garden~

~Bright red garden~

~Bright red garden~

For my little brother i have buy this :
~Bright red garden~

- 2010年07月02日 『Japan Expo 』 ~ViViD ~,day 1 -

おはようございます (^-^)/
This day that's the Japan expo
I go to this convention for 3 days ♥
I was woke-up at 5:30 ( ̄ー ̄;)
~Bright red garden~

That's the food who i have buy for this 3 days =D
YummyYummy ドキドキ
~Bright red garden~

I'm arrived at 9:30 in The Japan expo and i'm enter at 10:30
Whaouu! So many people...( ̄ヘ ̄) XD
And the weather was so HOT HOT 晴れ
~Bright red garden~

When my friends and me arrived we going
to the J.E live house for waiting the live of ViViD
I'm so EXITED to see them ラブラブ!
At 12:45 the live begin (I'm on the right near Reno *__*)
~Bright red garden~

During the live Reno and Shin look at me many time and
they are make me some kiss,gestures with their hands....
~Bright red garden~

I was in Paradise (‐^▽^‐)
~Bright red garden~

When i have sing ''Take off'' and made the Para para,
Shin made me a big smile ドキドキ
~Bright red garden~

After the live we going to the Sign session of ViViD
I'm very very afraid 得意げ......
Because a girl say to me that people who don't have ticket
cant' have a sign >__<""
OwMyGod what is the fuck ( °д°)
~Bright red garden~

But finally people who have a CD can have a sign
Yatta チョキ.At 14:30 they come o(^▽^)o
~Bright red garden~

~Bright red garden~

~Bright red garden~

I have take photos and video ♥
~Bright red garden~

They are so nice,i love them so much
Nyah ドキドキ, IV look at me during 30 sec in my eyes (●^ω^●)
ありがとうございます ViViD
~Bright red garden~

After i have take some picture
Hehe Naruto =)
~Bright red garden~

~Bright red garden~

~Bright red garden~

~Bright red garden~

~Bright red garden~

- 2010年06月27日 - 『ViViD TV 』

YoOp ('-^*)/
This day was so great because
they are the Live Show of ViVid on Musicjapanplus ドキドキ
~Bright red garden~

My parents was go out so...
I have cook a Omelette (オムレツ) にひひ
~Bright red garden~

At 00:00 That's START グッド!
(I have take some pictures and video)
~Bright red garden~

That's was so funny when they drawing XDD
~Bright red garden~

At the end we have The new PV Precious 目
SO BEAUTIFUL ! I love this song ♥
~Bright red garden~

- 2010年06月24日 -

Hi Hi (^O^)/
I was with my friend Kelly ♥
That's was funny (‐^▽^‐).
We have take some pictures,watch the television
and eat XD
I like so much this girl <3
She's so so nice
Bai bai Xxx
~Bright red garden~