~ -3ページ目

アメリカ合衆国 & カナダ : 8月02日to 8月27日 o(〃^▽^〃)o

やった!! チョキ
私はバカンス行くよ ≧(´▽`)≦
ごめんなさい , にほんごはまだよくはなせません シラー
- Bai Bai - ('-^*)/
~Mayu's blog ~

ベルベット ❤

ベルベット send me a ペタ -(´0`)-
うれしい はーと
ありがとうございます (*^▽^*)

YATTA.. !! ビックリマーク ニコニコ
~Bright red garden~

Stuff,Flyers Visual系 buy at J.E =3

This is some things that i bough at Japan expo =D
"Lucky Stick" ♥ おいしい にひひ
~Bright red garden~

~Bright red garden~

So many Flyers about my bands favorite (‐^▽^‐)
~Bright red garden~

~Bright red garden~

~Bright red garden~

And this マスク,so cute
~Bright red garden~

Bai bai minna (^O^)/
~Bright red garden~

2010年07月04日 『Japan Expo』 the last day...

I will make a short article because I want to move on グー
So this day was
quiet くもり
~Bright red garden~

Akuma and Me have walk in the Japan expo,take many pictures
~Bright red garden~

~Bright red garden~

We buy many many things *__*
Because it's the last day....
I have take a picture with a Cute Japanese ♥
~Bright red garden~

I have buy foods ''YUMMY YUMMY''
~Bright red garden~

~Bright red garden~

She'es so kawai *_____* ラブラブ!
~Bright red garden~

~Bright red garden~

I have saw Moon Kana ^^
~Bright red garden~

I have take a picture with Yuuki
But i don't want to put it here..
~Bright red garden~

For finish i have saw Seikima II
That's a very very great great band ♥♥♥
~Bright red garden~

- 2010年07月03日 『Japan Expo 』 ~ViViD ~,day 2 -

It's again the Japan expo, and i go see again ViViD ♥
So so exited にひひ
Akuma and Me are so late,because she's forget her ticket シラー
OhMyGod it's raining 汗
~Bright red garden~

We arrived at 12:00 in the Japan expo
And we run for the sign session of ViViD
Yeaaaah they come ラブラブ!
So happy to see them again.
~Bright red garden~

Iv-san is so cute (*__*)♥
~Bright red garden~

They are very かっ こいい ラブラブ
~Bright red garden~

I have write a letter for ViviD,i will give it to Ryoga ^^
~Bright red garden~

I have give my letter to Ryoga-san and he say :
Owwwwwwww Merci merci (-^□^-)
I was so HAPPY ドキドキ
~Bright red garden~

ViViD (^O^)/
~Bright red garden~

After the sign session, we go sit for wait
their live in The J.E live house ♥
We eat,talk,look people XD .....

At 16h50 it's Long Shot Party ^^
and at 17:40 it's ViViD チョキ
~Bright red garden~

Long Shot Party is a GREAT Band ♥♥
~Bright red garden~

The live was very cool =)
But now it's ViViD <3
I'm in the center, in front Shin-san
~Bright red garden~

~Bright red garden~

it's the last time I see them, ....
I want to cry しょぼん
~Bright red garden~

I love the voice of Shin-san ♥
~Bright red garden~

~Bright red garden~

*Set list :
Distance of mind
across the border
Take off

~Bright red garden~

~Bright red garden~