~ -6ページ目

2010/06/02: ANLI POLLICINO Sign session (part3)

おはようございますみなさん (・ω・)/
I wake-up at 5:10am and go to my stage at 8:20am
This day,i have the live of
so i can leave at 15:00 (03:00) pm o(^▽^)o
~ まゆき~

The live begin at 18:00 (6:00)
I was very late >__<
I wanted to arrive at 17:00 and I arrived at 17:40 (5:40pm) しょぼん
~ まゆき~

They start with Sweet Kiss 音譜
~ まゆき~

Takuma-san ラブラブ!

~ まゆき~

~ まゆき~

~ まゆき~

~ まゆき~

~ まゆき~

~ まゆき~

2010/06/01: ANLI POLLICINO Sign session (part2)

Hi everyone,i'm very late すみません >.<
But now i'm in holidays YATTA チョキ
~ まゆき~

I was very very shy when i was in front of them
(*^▽^*) They are soo HANDSOME ドキドキ_ドキドキ
~ まゆき~

~ まゆき~

~ まゆき~

~ まゆき~

~ まゆき~

I have buy 2 singlesドキドキ
(5€ one single so i have buy for 10€ )
~ まゆき~

~ まゆき~

This sign session was so fast but it was great.
ありがとうござ います ANLI POLLICINO ラブラブ
~ まゆき~

Nya nya! Tomorrow is the live ♥♥
. Bai bai (^O^)/
~ まゆき~

2010/06/01: ANLI POLLICINO Sign session (part1)

Bonjour ! (おはようございます)
This day was すごい (^∇^)
な ぜなら i go to see アンリポリチーノ at the Shop Boddywood
i'm was so excited *__* にひひ
That's begin at 18:00 (06:00 pm)
I have ask to my stage if i can go at 15:00 (03;00 pm)
and he say ''Yes you can" I was so so HAPPY :*:・( ̄∀ ̄)・:*:
~ まゆき~

I have take the metro at 17:20 ( i was so late ショック!)
I arrived at 18:10 xD
プンプン Rawwww it's raining
SO BAD !!汗( ̄□ ̄;)
My hair was horrible after the rain....雨
~ まゆき~

Tomorrow i put the others articles
Because now i go sleep ぐぅぐぅ
It's 02:21am and tomorrow i wake up at 05:40am (゚д゚;)
星空 おやすみなさい (^。^)。o0○

Picture by me SO DON'T TOUCH PLEASE むっ
~ まゆき~


Hi everybody,this day was the live of Jelly Beans.
Izumi or Mayuki

The live begin at 18:30 (06:30)
and i arrived at 17:30 (5:30 pm) (‐^▽^‐)
Izumi or Mayuki

At the end of the live we can have a
sign session and a picture with them ♥
Izumi or Mayuki

Sakura (Sh'es so cute ラブラブ)
Izumi or Mayuki

Set List :
1. Danshi Kinsei
2. Jelly beans
3. Millefeuille
5. Natsu no owari
6. Futaride
7. Lily
8. Another sky
9. Hikari
10. Myself
11. Nekketsu Cheergirl
12. Isshou Seishun
13. Nanairo Wonderful World


Hi minna =)
This day i was go out with my father for buy new shoes <3
Izumi or Mayuki

i have buy already leegswarmers =D
Izumi or Mayuki

Yeaahhh i love my news shoes ♥.♥
Izumi or Mayuki