Held in suspense (4) | 英語学習雑感ブログ







If a disruptive second wave of inflation is likely to strike anywhere it is in America. That means monetary policy is likely to diverge, with the Fed keeping interest rates high even as the rest of the rich world cuts them to revive growth. Such a pattern would boost the value of the dollar, which is already climbing. When America’s money markets offer high returns for little risk, the many poorer countries struggling to borrow in dollars suffer most.



第1文If a disruptive second wave of inflation is likely to strike anywhere it is in America.


この文は「より具体的にはどのようなことを意味するのか」という疑問を喚起し、その疑問を解消するような議論展開がそのあとに行われていることが確認できるので、topic sentenceであると判断することができます。


第2文 That means monetary policy is likely to diverge, with the Fed keeping interest rates high even as the rest of the rich world cuts them to revive growth.



第3文 Such a pattern would boost the value of the dollar, which is already climbing.



第4文 When America’s money markets offer high returns for little risk, the many poorer countries struggling to borrow in dollars suffer most.





このパラグラフは第1文がtopic sentenceで、第2文から第4文までがそのsupportの一部であると判断することができます。






If interest rates do not fall there could be nasty surprises on Wall Street, too. The stockmarket appears to have barely noticed the danger that monetary policy will stay tight this year. By contrast, rising rate expectations in 2022 and 2023 often caused sell-offs as investors adjusted the discounted value of future profits. Neither is there much sign that America’s small and midsize banks have resolved the threats that high rates pose to their balance-sheets. The inflation problem is not what it was a year ago, but the world is not yet clear of the danger. ■




第1文If interest rates do not fall there could be nasty surprises on Wall Street, too.


この文は「より具体的にはどのようなことを意味するのか」という疑問を喚起し、その疑問を解消するような議論展開がそのあとに行われていることが確認できるので、topic sentence(第6パラグラフの第1文から見るとsub-topic sentence)であると判断することができます。


第2文 The stockmarket appears to have barely noticed the danger that monetary policy will stay tight this year.



第3文 By contrast, rising rate expectations in 2022 and 2023 often caused sell-offs as investors adjusted the discounted value of future profits.



第4文 Neither is there much sign that America’s small and midsize banks have resolved the threats that high rates pose to their balance-sheets.



第5文 The inflation problem is not what it was a year ago, but the world is not yet clear of the danger. 





ここで第7パラグラフは終了です。このパラグラフは、第1文がtopic sentenceで、第2文から第5文がそのsupportであると判断することができます。

そして、第6パラグラフの第1文をtopic sentenceとする、対応するsupport部分はここまでであると判断することができます。



