The peril of national conservatism (2) | 英語学習雑感ブログ







Despite its name, national conservatism could not be more different from the ideas of Reagan and Thatcher. Rather than being sceptical of big government, national conservatives think ordinary people are beset by impersonal global forces and that the state is their saviour. Unlike Reagan and Thatcher, they hate pooling sovereignty in multilateral organisations, they suspect free markets of being rigged by the elites and they are hostile to migration. They despise pluralism, especially the multicultural sort. National conservatives are obsessed with dismantling institutions they think are tainted by wokeness and globalism.



第1文Despite its name, national conservatism could not be more different from the ideas of Reagan and Thatcher.



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第2文 Rather than being sceptical of big government, national conservatives think ordinary people are beset by impersonal global forces and that the state is their saviour.




第3文 Unlike Reagan and Thatcher, they hate pooling sovereignty in multilateral organisations, they suspect free markets of being rigged by the elites and they are hostile to migration.



第4文 They despise pluralism, especially the multicultural sort.



第5文 National conservatives are obsessed with dismantling institutions they think are tainted by wokeness and globalism.





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Instead of a sunny belief in progress, national conservatives are seized by declinism. William Buckley, a thinker of the old school, once quipped that “A conservative is someone who stands athwart history, yelling stop.” By comparison, national conservatives are revolutionaries. They do not see the West as the shining city on the hill, but as Rome before the fall—decadent, depraved and about to collapse amid a barbarian invasion. Not content with resisting progress, they also want to destroy classical liberalism.



第1文Instead of a sunny belief in progress, national conservatives are seized by declinism.



第2文 William Buckley, a thinker of the old school, once quipped that “A conservative is someone who stands athwart history, yelling stop.”



第3文 By comparison, national conservatives are revolutionaries.



第4文 They do not see the West as the shining city on the hill, but as Rome before the fall—decadent, depraved and about to collapse amid a barbarian invasion.



第5文 Not content with resisting progress, they also want to destroy classical liberalism.




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