Who's in control? (1) | 英語学習雑感ブログ







ThIS YEAR investors in Chinese stocks have been on a hair-raising ride. Even as America’s S&P 500 index reached record highs, markets in China and Hong Kong shed $1.5trn in January alone. Retail investors have taken to Chinese social media to vent their frustration. So brutal was the slump that on February 6th China’s president, Xi Jinping, was reportedly to be briefed; the next day Yi Huiman, the head of China’s securities regulator, was sacked. Prices recovered a little as state firms began buying stocks. In the coming days they may rise further still.



第1文ThIS YEAR investors in Chinese stocks have been on a hair-raising ride.



第2文 Even as America’s S&P 500 index reached record highs, markets in China and Hong Kong shed $1.5trn in January alone.



第3文 Retail investors have taken to Chinese social media to vent their frustration.



第4文 So brutal was the slump that on February 6th China’s president, Xi Jinping, was reportedly to be briefed;

so brutalの直後was the slumpという疑問文の語順になっています。典型的な倒置構造です。



第5文 the next day Yi Huiman, the head of China’s securities regulator, was sacked.



第6文 Prices recovered a little as state firms began buying stocks.



第7文 In the coming days they may rise further still.




ここで第1パラグラフは終了です。このパラグラフは、読み手の関心をひきつけつつ、これからの議論に必要な予備知識も与えるという導入(introduction)の役割に特化しているためにtopic sentenceを含まないと判断することができます。





Step back, though, and there is no mistaking the dismal bigger picture. The market value of China’s and Hong Kong’s equities is down by nearly $7trn since its peak in 2021—a fall of around 35%, even as that of America’s stocks has risen by 14%, and India’s by 60%. The decline signals a fundamental problem. Investors abroad and at home once saw China’s government as a dependable steward of the economy. Now this trust has seeped away, with severe consequences for China’s growth.



第1文Step back, though, and there is no mistaking the dismal bigger picture.



この文は「より具体的にはどのようなことを意味するのか」という疑問を喚起し、その疑問を解消するような議論展開がそのあとに行われていることが確認できるので、topic sentenceであると判断することができます。


第2文 The market value of China’s and Hong Kong’s equities is down by nearly $7trn since its peak in 2021—a fall of around 35%, even as that of America’s stocks has risen by 14%, and India’s by 60%.



第3文 The decline signals a fundamental problem.



第4文 Investors abroad and at home once saw China’s government as a dependable steward of the economy.



第5文 Now this trust has seeped away, with severe consequences for China’s growth.




ここで第2パラグラフは終了です。このパラグラフは、第1文がtopic sentenceで、第2文から第5文がそのsupportであると判断することができます。