Rishi Sunak's strategic genius (2) | 英語学習雑感ブログ







The Rwanda policy itself is both impractical and unprincipled. Boris Johnson’s government struck an agreement to deport to Rwanda asylum-seekers who arrive in Britain on small boats. Their claims would be heard in the African country; if successful, the claimants would be settled in Rwanda, too. That prospect would, the scheme’s backers say, deter people from illegally crossing the English Channel.



第1文The Rwanda policy itself is both impractical and unprincipled.


この文は「より具体的にはどのようなことを意味するのか」という疑問を喚起し、その疑問を解消するような議論展開がそのあとに行われていることが確認できるので、topic sentenceであると判断することができます。


第2文 Boris Johnson’s government struck an agreement to deport to Rwanda asylum-seekers who arrive in Britain on small boats.



第3文 Their claims would be heard in the African country;

the African countryとはルワンダのことです。





第4文 if successful, the claimants would be settled in Rwanda, too.



第5文 That prospect would, the scheme’s backers say, deter people from illegally crossing the English Channel.





このパラグラフは、第1文がtopic sentenceで、第2文から第5文がそのsupportの一部であると判断することができます。





Yet no plane has yet taken off; the plan was declared unlawful by Britain’s Supreme Court on November 15th on the basis that Rwanda was not a safe destination to send asylum-seekers. Britain has thus far paid Rwanda £240m ($302m, or 2.3% of Rwandan GDP) without dispatching a single migrant to Kigali. Although illegal immigration is a genuine concern and many other governments like the idea of processing refugees offshore, this scheme is unusually mean. The government’s desire to deport people to a penurious police state that British courts have found to be unsafe is shameful.



第1文Yet no plane has yet taken off;



第2文 the plan was declared unlawful by Britain’s Supreme Court on November 15th on the basis that Rwanda was not a safe destination to send asylum-seekers.



第3文 Britain has thus far paid Rwanda £240m ($302m, or 2.3% of Rwandan GDP) without dispatching a single migrant to Kigali.



第4文 Although illegal immigration is a genuine concern and many other governments like the idea of processing refugees offshore, this scheme is unusually mean.



第5文 The government’s desire to deport people to a penurious police state that British courts have found to be unsafe is shameful.

a penurious police stateは、ここではルワンダのことを念頭に置かれていますが、ルワンダ以外にもこの条件を満たすことを示すために、不定冠詞が付けられています。shamefulという述部をいうことができるためには、ルワンダ以外の国でも、そのような条件を満たす国であれば、当てはまるということを示したいのです。




ここで第3パラグラフは終了です。このパラグラフは、supportの役割に特化しているためにtopic sentenceを含まないと判断することができます。






To turn that desire into reality, the government has made things even worse. It claims that a new treaty with Rwanda deals with the Supreme Court’s concerns. But it does not trust the judges to agree. The new bill stipulates that decision-makers, including judges, “must conclusively treat the Republic of Rwanda as a safe country”. It also prevents courts from applying elements of the Human Rights Act, which implements the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) in Britain, when dealing with Rwanda deportees.



第1文To turn that desire into reality, the government has made things even worse.

the governmentはthe付きでイギリス政府を指します。


この文は「より具体的にはどのようなことを意味するのか」という疑問を喚起し、その疑問を解消するような議論展開がそのあとに行われていることが確認できるので、topic sentence(第2パラグラフの第1文から見るとsub-topic sentence)であると判断することができます。


第2文 It claims that a new treaty with Rwanda deals with the Supreme Court’s concerns.



第3文 But it does not trust the judges to agree.



第4文 The new bill stipulates that decision-makers, including judges, “must conclusively treat the Republic of Rwanda as a safe country”.



第5文 It also prevents courts from applying elements of the Human Rights Act, which implements the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) in Britain, when dealing with Rwanda deportees.




ここで第4パラグラフは終了です。このパラグラフは、第1文がtopic sentenceで、第2文から第5文がそのsupportであると判断することができます。





All this is justified on the ground that Parliament can make and unmake any law it wishes. So it can; so it always could. But that does not mean it should. For Parliament has long sought to legislate in accordance with other principles which are fundamental to the rule of law. Parliament’s own joint committee on human rights says that requiring judges to follow a law that tells them to ignore the country’s highest court “undermines the constitutional role of the judiciary”. During the Brexit negotiations in 2016-19 the principle of parliamentary sovereignty became a battering ram in the hands of ministers; the same tactic is being used today and is again causing wider damage.



第1文All this is justified on the ground that Parliament can make and unmake any law it wishes.



第2文 So it can;




第3文 so it always could.




第4文 But that does not mean it should.

shouldの直後にはmake and unmake any law it wishesが省略されています(厳密には、これらを含めた表現をshouldという助動詞が代動詞として機能しているということですが)。



第5文 For Parliament has long sought to legislate in accordance with other principles which are fundamental to the rule of law.



第6文 Parliament’s own joint committee on human rights says that requiring judges to follow a law that tells them to ignore the country’s highest court “undermines the constitutional role of the judiciary”.



第7文 During the Brexit negotiations in 2016-19 the principle of parliamentary sovereignty became a battering ram in the hands of ministers;



第8文 the same tactic is being used today and is again causing wider damage.





このパラグラフは、第1文がtopic sentenceで、第2文から第8文がそのsupportであると判断することができます。

そして、ここまでが、第2パラグラフの第1文をtopic sentenceとする、対応するsupport部分であると判断することができます。