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次の英文1 – 5の空所A – Gに入る最も適切なものを選択肢(a) – (g)から選び、その番号を解答欄に記入しなさい。ただし、同じものを二回以上使ってはいけない。


1.     Michael was fond of Vivien though not in love with her, and had known her long enough to be aware (  A  ).

2.     I visited Anne at least twice a week, usually on my way home. Just to call in and check that (  B  ) as it should be.

3.     Jimmy had been utterly confident that there was really nothing difficult about skiing, that (  C  ) and the rest would come easily. It was not turning that way.

4.     Funny how (  D  ). Even when (  E  ), the fact that he has said it seems to be reassuring.

5.     Women keep their jewelry in the bedroom. I’m sure they do it so it’s handy when (  F  ), but I think the real reason is that (  G  ) surrounded by gold and diamonds. It makes them feel secure.


(a)   everything was

(b)  he never would be

(c)   one only needed enthusiasm

(d)  they sleep better

(e)   they’re getting dressed

(f)   what a doctor has to say is bad news

(g)  people seem to find comfort in a medical man’s words.