Valentine Chocolate Kohakuto recipe バレンタインの琥珀糖 | 英語と子連れアメリカ生活



Hi there, Konbanwa~,


On Valentine's day in Japan, weman give men presents, we have some kinds of presents it depends on relationship between weman and men. There are tomo-choco (present between friends eachother),gili-choco(present to male bosses,teachers and families), honmei-choco (present to someone who is in love ) ``choco``means chocolate.I have given the Valentine gifts to my husband and son for 5 years. I will make kohakuto for Valentine. The recipe in Japanese is the bottom of this blog.




・5g thread ager (powder ager also good but thread ager is clearer than) powder ager)

・200g granuted suger (it's easier melt than other suger)

・120ml water

・5g cofee powder and 40ml hot water→to make cofee liquid

・a tea bag and 40ml hot water→to make tea liquid

・15g black chocolate

・15g white chocolate

・water for soak the thread ager



(1)Soak the thread ager in the water a half day to a day (Be into the fridge in summer).

(2)Drain the thread ager well.

(3)Heat 200ml water,the ager in a pot to a boil, turn the heat down to low then stir it gently  sometimes till the ager dissolves completely.

(4)Strain the water.

(5) Add the suger into the ager water.

(6)Boil it to low medium until the content get thicker when you pour the content from the spoon the liquid falls in a thin thread form. During it stir a little and gently (if you stir too much it doesn't get hard easily) It takes about 30min.


(7)Prepare coffee powder and a tea bag in 2 small cups then pour 40ml hot water to each cups.


(8)Dip two containers into water for an instant or spray water then pour the ager water.


(9)After the ager water got under 80 degrees, the coffee liquid and the tea liquied go into the container and mix well.


(10)Cool them down then preserve in the fridge over 2-3 hours, you need to make sure it get harden completely.


(11)Cut them into pieces with kitchen knife or spoon,cookie cutter. The surfaces are very sticky I reccommend the cutting tools get into water each time.


(12)Line flat place on a parchment paper. Dry them 2-3 days. You can eat fresh these as well it is like jello but really sticky.


(13)After the surfaces got dry turn of them and get dry as well. After they are dry the kohakuto surfaces are smoothly.


(14)Cut chocolate into pieces on a parchment paper.


(15)Melt the chocolate with hair dryer hot air till they got soft (about 90 seconds)


(16)Mash the chocolate until smooth.


(17)Put the melted chocolate on the dried kohakuto.


(18) Repeat those with the white chocolate.


(19)Dry them 15min.


(20)Done!! there are cofee and chocolate, tea and chocolate,basic kohakuto and chocolate. My husband and I like coffee and chocolate but my son likes tea and chocolate.

※Getting harden the kohakuto completely depends on humidity, temputure and so on I recommend make them to prepare much time.※




・5g 糸寒天(粉寒天も可)

・200g グラニュー糖 (他の砂糖も可)


・120ml 水


Hope you like it ♪


