YOU | none



I haven't had time or a space in my heart for a music...
But today, as I turned on the radio, comes this song

You and Me....

For no reason, or maybe there is ..... I don't know,
anyway ...I burst into tears. Thinking of you.

Why NOW? when I should be thinking of my mother that passe away,
Well, LIKE I SAID... I just don't know....

Not that I miss you,
Not the sorrow of not having you anymore,
Not the greed of having you by beside me again,
Don't get me wrong here....
I know we are not what we used to be.
No offense but you'd probably wipe the smile off of my face
with your very own black smile.

It's just that .....
the music remimded me of you.
How you would try to take on the negative side of this world
all by yourself.
How you would shrug your shoulders with the look on your face.
as if all the wrongs were your fault...

Even thruough your best smiles, I would see shadow in them....

I admit, I still love you.
Maybe not the way a man loves a woman...

A father loving his daughter? nah....
A Man loving his blooming flower? nah... too romantic.
Maybe a dog loving his master...


what the heck..

let me make it sipmle.
If I should ever bump into you
I feel that I am now strong enough to ask you out for a cup of coffee.
Instead of turning my back and running away from the shame.
That is, if the choices were mine to make!

Be read or never be, it matters not.