










そして1月18日、ついに金銭要求がきたのでした。建設機器の修理に必要なお金が足りない、自分が持っているお金を全部出したがまだ足りない、その一部を負担してくれというお話です。そして工事を終えたら会いに来てくれるという。もちろんなりすましの詐欺師が会いに来るはずないのです。本物の被害者は、彼に会えることを期待してここで送金してしまうんですよね。そして、この筋書きで引っかかって送金まで行かなかった方々の最後の決め手が、この段階での金銭要求でしょう。仕事のお金をなんで個人が払うの? 送金先がなぜ個人名? ある程度ビジネスを知っている人なら「おかしいよね」となるわけですね。




Hello dearest, 

Sweetness, I have gotten the report from the crane inspector, everything is recorded in U.S dollar currency. According to the inspector, the most expensive part which needs to be replaced is the hydraulic pressure mechanism, I gave them everything I had which was $2,000 They will be coming back with all the parts on Thursday to fix the crane, the crane inspector told me it will take them about 4-5hrs to fix so, I begged them to come around early in the morning so that we can still work on that day because i need to invite my employers for the site inspection so that i can demand for my job payment. I still need to balance them $6,950 , Please I would need your help on this so I can pay them off Tomorrow and Next, we are going to do some cleaning and maintenance of the ground floor until the crane is fixed by Thursday or Friday depending on when you can raise some funds for me, Once the crane is fixed, 1 week will be enough for us to work on the upper floor to complete this project. 

I need your help on this issue my love. 

I hope to get positive news from you. 

Love you, 


珠子の返事: とても心配だわ。でもどうやるのかわからない。





My dear love, I know you are very worried and concern about this and me. I need some money to fix this crane and as you already know I have no cash left with me. I need to fix this as soon as possible and I really need you to help with the sum of $6,950. 

All you have to do is to send the money direct to the mechanic here in Turkey using western union money transfer. I will ask him for his full names and address so you can send the money as soon as you can. 

Thank you for your concern and helping me. 

With Love, 




My dear, Western Union is not a bank. But they operate inside the bank and also have various outlet. 

You can do western union transfer from any bank in Japan. It's the fastest and easiest way to send money. Western Union or Money Gram which is convenient for you. 





珠子の返事: 銀行じゃないのならそんなことできないはずよ。ウェスタンユニオンとかマネーグラムってここでは聞いたことないわよ。