












Alan: Hello dear, How was your night 
I sent a letter to you. 
You should read it 
Have a nice day today at work. 
And take care of yourself 
Love always.... Alan 

Alan: Hello dear 
How are you ? 


珠子: あなたと毎日チャットする義務はないでしょう? 今日は休みたいの。さようなら。




Alan: ok, have a good time 

I am off to work. 



Good Morning Dear, 

How was your night ? It's always a pleasure to read from you once again. 

The content of your email was understood and well noted in good faith. I understood you have been through hard times, abuse and use by your ex husband but at this point I want to reassure you that you are in good hands because I am willing and dedicated to move this relationship unto the next level. 

I am not that type of a man who wants to say sweet words for saying sake or simply because you want to hear. My motto is I would rather have you hurt my feeling with truth than to spare my feeling with a lie. I treat people with the up most respect, and expect the same back. I learned because of my long term commitment to my late wife it was about wanting to be with that person in good times and to get through the bad times. Its about being together because you want to, not because you have to. 

This is not about being with someone just for now or until something better comes along.. I go for long road not the short ride. I have high expectations for myself and any one in my life ... This isn't about material things or money because that doesn't buy you real love or happiness. I have always been independent even when married..no one person should be responsible for another persons happiness ,I believe it's up to yourself to make that happen...I'm looking for that love and won't settle for less.. I know what real love is ..I'm not going to play games with your feelings or mine. We have our family's which is part of us and they are just as important when someone comes into my life. I hope you can feel in my words about trust....and truth..they go hand in hand.......I hope you understand me...I think we both have come across with our wants and needs in a relationship, I think we are on the same page...this seems to be a good start..we can build from here...a good foundation starts a good relationship. 

With Love, 

珠子の返事: メールありがとう。今日は疲れているの。またね、おやすみなさい。