










Alan: My dear, I have sent it to your email now. Kindly reply me after reading... bye 

珠子: あなたのメールを読むわ。

珠子: ご返事送ったわよ、ありがとう。

Alan: Thank you 
I also replied you now. 
How are you doing today ? 

珠子: 仕事から帰ったところよ。あなたは?


Alan: Hello dear 
welcome back home. 
How was your day ? 
I am just having lunch break now 

珠子: いつもの通り忙しいわ。

Alan: Did you get my reply to your email ? 

珠子: ええ。すぐに返事が欲しいわけ?

Alan: Not really 

珠子: それならよろしい。

Alan: I hope I can read from you before bed time or in the morning haha 
I am a bit busy today for work 
Getting material for work 

珠子: ひどいわね。もう少し時間頂戴。

Alan: excuse me 

珠子: OK 

Alan: How do you mean I am horrible? 

珠子: だってあなたは私にすぐに返事欲しいというじゃない。すぐに返事をしなきゃならない召使じゃないのよ、私は。

Alan: Did I ask you to reply me immediately ? 

珠子: あなたの文脈がそう感じさせるのよ。"I hope I can read from you before bed time" とかね。

Alan: No, I said I hope to read from you soon. 

珠子: 「Soon?」 

Alan: i said before bed time or in the morning 
Reading from you before bed time will make me feel love before going to bed. Reading your letter in the morning will be the best way to start my day Smile 
I hope you understand... 

珠子: わかったわ。でも期限を設けないで頂戴。

Alan: I am not imposing time on you. I told you I am very liberal 
we have equality in our relationship so nobody is superior haha 

珠子: それならよろしい。

Alan: It's really hard for me moving around through the stormy weather getting material for the project 

珠子: 嵐なの? それとも雪?

Alan: yes snow 
the car have to move slowly 


珠子: そっちで車を運転するの?

Alan: No.. I don't drive here 
I have a driver that is hire to carry materials 

珠子: そうなの。気温は? マイナス15度くらい?

Alan: it is still snowy heavily 

珠子: そうなの。外はどうなの、気温は?

Alan: I will get back to the hotel it's heavily snowy now 

珠子: 今は外にいるの? ごめんなさい。ホテルの名前は?

Alan: It's my lunch time now 
and I have got to go now 
lunch time is over 

珠子: わかったわ。お話しできてうれしかったわ。

Alan: I will follow the driver to keep material and return back to hotel 

珠子: じゃあまたね、良い一日を。

Alan: Me too my dear 

珠子: ホテルの名前教えてね。

Alan: Thank you and have a good time
