Bonne belle jour.

Welcome to visit at my URL page.


Thanks lucky for visiting at my URL page ' Belle etincelle Love'.

Bonne belle moment.
Joyeux temps.  Merveille.



Properly everbeing happiness.

Bonne belle chances

Merveille✩ Lovely belle excellent passage 

Good Luck

Lovely Belle melody
Properly everbeing happiness 
Meanwhile properly treasuring happily precious progress each of identity and edentity, Standard Label works,Standard duty, lovely esprit beauties 
 pleasantly. wellbeing


Bonne chance♡ Belle chances

meanwhile as to excellently success supporting realizing each of Standard Label works,Standard duty,all existance's wishes and happiness passage pleasantly. 

Properly excellent supporting success happily.


Gratitude continueing keeping excellent support, kindness, lovely fuburous and happily precious progress each passage and  beautiful at presence of times.



Properly success treasuring life passage of times. 

Bonne belle moment. 






Good Luck. 

Shall I have lecture regarding to points as to support happily what’s as of following.


1.   Happiness works.   

2.  My recent episode report.

3.  Times memo. written at chikyu calendar year 2024 May 27th presenced. Happiness ideal 乙女のトキメキ simple servive of indication.

4. Times precure lecture episode memo.

5.  Times works report. Remedy schedules and happiness works.

6. Happiness simple ideal.

7. Times works between schedules. 時間の間 happiness works.


Reported at chikyu calendar year '24 May presenced.



Good Luck. 



♦ 1. 

Bonne belle moment.


Properly everbeing happiness 
meanwhile properly treasuring happily precious progress each of identity and edentity, Standard Label works,Standard duty, lovely esprit beauties 
 pleasantly. wellbeing

Label memberが同じLabel member list の点呼 成功をすることも優しくなあれ 


Lovely excellent supporting success properly appel each Labels at standard profile complied with satadard passage rule.


Properly excellent supporting success pleasantly. Merveille.






Good Luck   


♦ .  My recent episode report. written at chikyu calendar year 2024 May 28th presenced.


I am seeking my USB memory (computer use) additional with my having been still seeking my property of three USB memory (computer use) since before.

Today I ask St Chamuel concerning my success to find my USB.

My episode at few years before, I had asked the Wishing shrine at Poralis to rely on concerning my success to find my USB my having been still seeking my property of a USB at the moment. 

 I was brillliantly glad of having received to find a USB within few months.

Current episode, I would like properly work on set  enhancing safety security of cordinating conditions of my assured protection number as secured of my keeping possess my properties Stationary ,computer and computer gadgets,etc.

Meanwhile I would like success proporsal working on set ATM information service as to properly founding ATM information service 

contact message and apply service each Labels ,

success working on contact and official procedures among the same Label works and each Labels 


success working on contact and official procedures regarding Standard Label works, Standard information service and intelligent security central service center.

Common sense in a popular opinion and morality with many areas would be told properly success working on set ATM Standard information service and all each Labels properly success working on set of basic supports contentment each Label or Birthgroup, AppellationLabel, BG Classified Label, ordinary times assisting care each Soul mate group Label as keeping everbeing meanwhile happily well growing during peaceful times  Bonne belle moment.

While in passage and path in means each any success of Standard duty and Standard Label works and duty apt to be properly secure of times keeping lovely moderate and calmingly.

As regarding to Standard rule,

Basic principle theory constituting basic standard rule as like simply common sense would be approved success creation assured of respects of making sure all of existing happy within tresuring each precious progress each of identity and edentity, lovely esprit beauties ♡ pleasantly. wellbeing

in keeping safety passage for all of existing.



私のUSB memory (computer use)が見つからない 見つからないUSBがもう3つになった.

今日 Chamuelに 伺った状況は ‘誰かがUSBを盗んでるよ’ と説明有.


以前見つからないUSB1つに関して  Poralis願掛神社USBが見つかる希望を叶える supportを頼めると

Support 数か月後  USBが届いた  'びっくり嬉しい   乙女のトキメキ  あいがとう' 爽快  軽やかに喜びピンク音符


のに  USB 再び今も 見つからないので  (‘誰かがUSBを盗んでるよ’ と説明有)


私の Security protection numberを 私の Stationary とcomputer とcomputer gadgetsの保護を必ず守るprotection conditioncordinatingをする運営成功すること

同じLabel防災センターに改善連絡頼みたい. 洗礼担当者にも保護を頼みたかった ピンク音符


Needs insuranceの提供も保護に関することを 時間状況点検 解決方法対応 準備,運営を成功することは 強く望れてる.

LabelごとにStandard ruleを守って準備 設定運営,配達設定運営をすること

Labelごとに ATM Standard information service, 時間状況点検 解決方法対応することを 準備,運営を成功することは とても強く望れてる.


Standard works Standard dutyに関するATM Standard information service, 時間状況点検 解決方法対応するBasic standard worksを準備 設定運営 配達設定運営成功は
Standard dutyの運営成功に関する 保護も時間の状況は優しい と伺った.

Standard ruleの基本ルールは すべての存在を幸せにするcreationは成立する許可がある.




Chamuel Poralis ご愛顧あいがとう.




Bonne belle moment. 



Gratitude continueing properly keeping excellent support, kindness, lovely merveille, Standard Label works,Standard duty and beautiful at presence of times.



Properly excellent supporting success.

Properly success treasuring life passage of times. 

Good Luck.


♦ 3.  Times memo. written at chikyu calendar year 2024 May 27th presenced.


 Some parcents of a sort of regular style at many area and countries would have been selected moderate style such as tending to keep policy with have possess little commodity each Needs insurance list necessarisities as the keynote keeping quiate calmingly well growing progress to improve own passage and own Standard profile.

The preceding style tend rest and regularly didn’t select to do as usual of following routines,


possessing books,

utilizing computer,and

merely ask anything

during decades years,

seems like keeping the prescribed keynote of the conceptual education taking usual care of keeping kindness and polite atitudes good morality.

They have routine something only order of being asked or relied on anything to do from parents or any staff as coaching style as usual having feature already having educated morality and learned several languages.

What’s supplying necessarisities apt to takes the rooms at estate setting receiving some of Needs insurance list in minimalist model style as PQ keeping tidy beautiful as usual some preparation schedule from parents or any staff as coaching, as to cordinate keeping well calm growing to improve own passage and own Standard profile.

いくつかのお方様達は standard profileとpassageが良い状況になるように質素に過ごせるほどの強さもprotectionのルールを守ってある学びと教育の調律時間を楽しそうに過ごすお方様もいる.

前述のstyleを保つように 本を持ったり shoppingを頼んだり computerを使うことも尋ねたりすることもしないように決めて そっと堅実な礼儀良い優しい丁寧な言動厳守な数十年過ごすことにしてらっしゃるお方様も多い.



♦ 4  Times precure lecture episode memo.


Almost times and people didn’t have been looking at own appearance own existing in the mirror or window made of glass..

Almost times and people have been looking at other person who reflected in the mirror or window made of glass.

Presence times wouldn’t often have watched too much appearance reflected in the mirror or window made of glass.

鏡とガラスに映った姿は ご自身ではないことが多い

鏡とかガラスに映込まれた姿は 他のお方様なことが多いので




As of Jyutsu,

a sort of Jyutsu what’s increasing rememberance,memorization capacity and scrutinizing speed during taking on the Jyutsu.



がある .


As of Jyutsu,

a sort of Jyutsu what’s enhancceing good impression as to RT’s remembarance remind of good person concerning memory of own impression and atitudes.



印象を良くするJyutsu 会ってない時も 良い印象を保つJyutsu




As regarding to standard accounting rule, keeping account of self coordinating.

As regarding to self cordinating.

Self coordinating

30minutes/ Unit a time.

30分後 Self cordinatingは休む状況になるので 同じCordinatingをするか他のCordinatingをすることを選ぶことを楽しんでるお方様もいるらしい.

self cordinatingをする状況で2時間働く場合 4 つでのpoints換算がstandard account keepingに記.

; Jyutsuを使う所要時間もself cordinatingの一つとして説明.


♦ 5.     Times works report. Remedy schedules and happiness works.


 Happiness remedy memo.

Scrutiny points concerning syllabus activity mode.


.    Which syllabus group his or her having been belonging to about his or her attitude and acting in episode passage of times.


.    Which syllabus according on his or her attitude and acting having been in episode passage of times.


3.    What‘s purpose of approved and conditions list contented fulfilling with requirements or eligibility with the purpose concerning path of having been completion of the particular syllabus epidode .


4.    To make certain of what’s previously ready to making coordinational options concerning his or her syllabus group.


5.    To make certain of what’s his or her belonging group concerning NPY OST Label at proved Standard profile.


6.    To make certain of what’s his or her Mode Logo sect Label at proved Standard profile.


7. To make certain of RT list concerning his or her syllabus mode and NPY OST Label .


Note referring 3.

In concept and motivated purpose of commends to the same syllabus group members,

some parcents of Creative workers would had been hoped success constituting and creating  particular specific Utopia and ideals seemingly easier keeping secured peace living assured in respect each happiness.



Syllabus modeへの点検に関すること.

ご自身 知り合い Label memberに 接するお方様がSyllabus modeだった時に点検することがあるお方様もいるよ


1. どちらのsyllabus groupactivity.

2.  どのsyllabusactivity.

3.  Syllabus を成立することの明確な目的と条件.

4.  Syllabusに関する仕組みづくりをしていること.

5. どちらの NPY OSTの所属のお方様

6. どちらのMode Logo sect Labelのお方様.

7. 誰をRTとしてつらくしてきたお方様.



いくつかのCreative workersは理想郷の実現を叶えるStoryを成立する理由だった.



Report written modified at chikyu calendar year 2024 May 26th presenced.

Reference page ; 139) May 10th '24.  


As regarding to Basic point rule about Story and Syllabus.

Situation. Person have been adviced or commaned of success easy good support.


Success ;The person successed the good opportunity to good support as of adviced or commanded.

Renew jumle of his or her story . ” Good polite story ”.

His or her syllabus at Good polite story renew modified ‘Polite’ ‘Lovely person easier to success the good opportunity to good support’.


As respeccts with Press renew rationale formation,

His or her belonging Press renew formation consisted and composed adjust to his or her efforts of support report at presence. 

Therfore His or her belonging Press members become with new staffs coming who are lovely gentel polite  ‘Good morality atitude’and the staffs are lovely person to easy successing the good opportunity to good support.


The success person would have many rationale opportunity and chances  to make good works with re-cordinating reformational elected lovely excellent person successing the good opportunity to excellent support.

The success person would have been learning excellent education and happiness works well growingly.



The situation and condition about the person ignored the good support adviced and didn‘t have properly efforts selected good opportunity or chances of the prescribed advice to success good support.;

As concerning Press renew rationale formation,

his or her belonging Press renew formation consisted and composed adjust to his or her efforts of support report at presence. 

Therfore his or her belonging Press members become re-cordinating rationale reformational elected new staffs coming who tend to ignore the good support adviced and didn‘t have properly efforts selected good opportunity or chances of the prescribed advice to success and making difficult schedule.


The person ignored the good support adviced and didn‘t have properly efforts selected good opportunity or chances of the prescribed advice to success good support who have often opportunity or chances meeting with ignored the good support adviced and didn‘t have properly efforts selected good opportunity or chances of the prescribed advice to success.



Example ; Situation. 



Success ; 良いSupportを成功.


良いStorySyllabusに ‘良いSupportをする’と記入追記.




良いSupportを成功ことのcommandとadviceが多くなって 幸せにすることを学び 調律時間のremedyと良い望みを叶える 教育に関することの知識もあるpassage.







更新 他のStoryの登場人物として

難しいStoryのSyllabusに ‘特定の良いSupportをしない難しい’と追記更新がある.




Gratitude. written at chikyu calendar year 2024 May 30th presenced.


Good Luck.



♦ .   Happiness simple ideal.


As regarding to simple servive of indication.


1 . To receive information of own Standard profile identification.

2. To visit at visit station as of door to door warp gate ways for moving own address as of the prescribed at Standard profile identification complied with standardpassage rule. 

Visit station ATM service indication and apply.

3. Ready to apply to move to the prescribed address adjust to own profile of Relax style ankerto and number, and Mode Logo sect number,Needs insurance number at Standard profile. 

4. ATM service setting and cordinating estate adjust to own profile of Relax style ankerto and number, and Mode Logo sect number,Needs insurance number at Standard profile.

To moving to the prescribed own address.

5. To receive renew identification statement report at 5-years cycle.

  Some of service option would inform notification to options to moving timing.


1.Standard profile identificationの点検.

2. お引越stationを訪ねる.

3. ATM information and application service での要件確認 申込.

4. 家は少ない状況だった時 自動設営になるように設定準備.

5. Address決定optionは Relax style ankero, Mode Logo sect number,Needs insurance numberの構成.

5年ごとのStandard profile点検の時に更新登録と規定の要件ルール対象者に通知カードreport授与.


Happiness 乙女のトキメキ



As regarding to Education ideal and ethic.


Student identification card ;

Proof of Standard identification card and Standard education card.


Student identification card

Student identification card will be useful in apply as common procedure of common education service what’s making sure of approve list regarding learning subjects proved eligible to the requirement with the prescribed lecture accounts adjust to each identification at Standard profile and particular condition at presence.


Example ; Sujects.


1.  Figure.  Birth Label Figure  Presence Figure  Pltim Figure  Mode Figure.

2.  Happiness works.

3.  Morality,ethic and Standard rule and service.

4.  Standard support.

5.  Standard Duty.

6.  Support task.

7.  Standard Profile.

8.  Maintenance and care.

9.  Precure and provision measures.

10.  Report.



2)  To make sure of apply enjoy learning lectures and practice selecting own schedule.


Good Luck.




Lovely beautiful esprit properly realizing lovely happiness each of all existance pleasantly.


Properly treasuring happily precious progress each of identity and edentity, Standard Label works,Standard duty, lovely esprit beauties ♡ pleasantly.'


Properly success treasuring life passage of times. 


Episode,すべてのものと存在にも 最善の状況になるように 良い希望と本当の望みが叶うように.


Gratitude and Happiest.   Bonne belle moment.


Good Luck  written at chikyu calendar year 2024 May 30th presenced.



♦7.    Times works between schedules.


時間の間 happiness works紹介.



いくつかづつの時間がある時に いくつか始めるHappiness worksと準備.

続けることも優しい Sophisticated works.  洗練準備works.  


Example; Sophisticated Times of happiness works between schedules and time.

To craft own Happiness work cards.

To craft own Happiness cards.


お祈りwords phraisesをdesign. いくつかづつ洗練Sophisticated works お祈り時間を考える間時間.

Happiness works をdesign.  Happiness worksをいくつかづつ洗練させれる考える間時間.




乙女のトキメキ時間の間 happiness works.

Recent happiness works.


天空方位を見る 大喜に,Good Luck and Happiness phraises,幸せな良い単語,優しいphraises,夢と望み 希望を言う.

同じLabel membersとすべての存在 みんなに あいがとう, 幸せな良い時間を と清めこともおっしゃるnuance. 

Bonne belle joyeux.

'君は 君を幸せにするお方様に会うハピ. 優しい健康な時間を'


ある日は 晴れてる空 星がきらめく夜空を見て 言う

こともある 乙女のトキメキ


 ✩ きれいな 優しい幸せな時間をあいがとう♡


信号機のwaiting time 歩くことを休めるので

気楽に 時間の間 happiness work をするtimingのおすすめ時間. 


To say own gratitude, happiness lucky phraises, cheering phraises, Good Luck and Happiness phraises, wishes and hopes toward looking at celestial sky.

Bonne belle moment,

to success happiness work between times and schedules, to say happiness message looking at

brilliant emerald sky in a morning, night sky on twinkle stars during a evening, illuminating dim light in a bonne soir. 


Timing point memo.

Pleasure simply success the preceding prescribed happiness work between times and schedules, timing in standing pause waiting time during rest walking for traffic signal turn on walking.  


As you like favor style, as nuance well as saying message to the same Label members and occationary telling pray to all of existing life living and all of times as of following examples.


 'Properly success Standard Label works,Standard duty, supporting realizing each of all existance's wishes excellently and happiness passage pleasantly. '


'Lovely beautiful esprit properly realizing lovely happiness each of all existance pleasantly.'


'Properly treasuring happily precious progress each of identity and edentity, Standard Label works,Standard duty, lovely esprit beauties ♡ pleasantly.

Good Luck.'


Properly success treasuring life passage of times. 


Episode,すべてのものと存在にも 最善の状況になるように 良い希望と本当の望みが叶うように.


Gratitude and Happiest.   Bonne belle chances.


Good Luck  written at chikyu calendar year 2024 May 25th presenced.


Bonne belle jour.


Bonne belle design

Bonne chance♡ Belle chances

meanwhile as to excellently success Standard Label works,Standard duty, supporting realizing each of all existance's wishes and happiness passage pleasantly. 


Lovely beautiful esprit properly realizing bonne belle design as well lovely excellent beautiful design what's properly realizing lovely happiness each of all existance pleasantly.


Properly success treasuring life passage of times. 

Bonne belle moment. 



Lovely excellent beautiful genius're properly supporting you.


君が伺う時間と場所は いつも健やかな幸せな時間 




君は 君を幸せにするお方様に会うハピ.


あいがとう       Good Luck.


Gratitude continueing properly keeping excellent support, kindness, lovely merveille, Standard Label works,Standard duty and beautiful at presence of times.



Properly excellent supporting success.

Any person’s living would be trasure of precious life. 



Properly everbeing happiness.

Bonne belle chances

Merveille✩ Lovely belle excellent passage 

Properly treasuring happily precious progress each of identity and edentity, Standard Label works,Standard duty, lovely esprit beauties  pleasantly.

Good Luck