Bonne belle jour.

Welcome to visit at my URL page.


Thanks lucky for visiting at my URL page ' Belle etincelle Love'.

Bonne belle moment.
Joyeux temps.  Merveille. 



Properly everbeing happiness.

Bonne belle chances

Merveille✩ Lovely belle excellent passage 

Good Luck

Lovely Belle melody
Properly everbeing happiness 
Meanwhile properly treasuring happily precious progress each of identity and edentity, Standard Label works,Standard duty, lovely esprit beauties ♡ pleasantly. wellbeing


Bonne chance♡ Belle chances

meanwhile as to excellently success supporting realizing each of Standard Label works,Standard duty,all existance's wishes and happiness passage pleasantly. 

Properly excellent supporting success happily.


Gratitude continueing keeping excellent support, kindness, lovely fuburous and  reasuring happily precious progress each passage and  beautiful at presence of times.



Properly success treasuring life passage of times. 

Bonne belle moment. 






Good Luck. 

Shall I have lecture regarding to points as to support happily what’s as of following.


1.   Happiness works.   

2. Provision and safety measure regarding at Standard rule.  Times memo ことばの定義に関すること.

3. Gratitude. 季節 memo. 

4.  Report about preparation list as commodities of Needs insurance list .

5. 'Standard happiness assurance town'


Reported at chikyu calendar year '24 May presenced.



Good Luck. 



♦ 1. 

Bonne belle moment.


Properly everbeing happiness 
meanwhile properly treasuring happily precious progress each of identity and edentity, Standard Label works,Standard duty, lovely esprit beauties ♡ pleasantly. wellbeing

Label memberが同じLabel member list の点呼 成功をすることも優しくなあれ 乙女のトキメキ


Lovely excellent supporting success properly appel each Labels at standard profile complied with satadard passage rule.


Properly excellent supporting success pleasantly. Merveille.






Good Luck   


♦ 2. Provision and safety measure regarding at Standard rule.


As regarding to coordination computer and creation duty regarding protect at Standard rule.


Creative workers possessing and utilizing own cordination computer what’s possible to select # coordinations and apply customizing many options fitting with user’s favorite style and condition as including with own condition regarding protection number and 洗礼をするtiming,etc, who have noticed of having select particular passage sheet enjoyable what gain either of own many advantages and responsibilities would like favor on times own passage and condition at passage of times except Standard passage rule.

Therefore Creative workers and position workers as dutor(including with the many dutors and 洗礼をすることのdutors)possessing and utilizing own cordination computer have responsibility of several tasks and Standard duty what’s protecting life of passage whom children and don’t have possessed or before utilizing each of coordination computer yet.


# As of cordination computer contented services.

To cordinate own protection conditions.

To coordinate own figure condition.

To coordinate customizing own condition as of remenberance,capacity of memorization and speed of rememberance condition. 

To make cash transaction coordinating ask to receiving how much amounts of just own needs as own asset at bank account., sending remittance and shopping.

To apply service official standard reports and information.




NPY Mode Figure would apt to be conditionated of weaken or decreasing rememberance as the condition of NPY Mode Figure

As example of condition of NPY Mode Figure would apt to don’t have remember episodes and information in accounts with yesterday.

電球 Morality of common moderate,knowleged,polite and respective secured sense have notified to don’t cordinating OST in accounts of NPY Mode Figure episodes stolen RT's precious memories and rememberances regarding information and intelligence right and weaken decreasing rememberance of any RT as target.

Creative workers possessing and utilizing own coordination computer users would be possible to own customizing select coordinating own remenberance,capacity of memorization and speed of rememberance condition with utilizing coordination computer.

Creative workers possessing and utilizing own coordination computer users who is NPY at profile would be possible having been keeping increasing own remenberance condition and capacity of memorization and speed of rememberance with utilizing coordination computer.



As concerning responsibility and utilizing freely many condition and cordination,

either of Creative workers with capability TS sightseeing RT and possessing and utilizing each cordination computer , who would have tended having continued to weaken or attacking what’s means including with ignoring as of don’t have taken well grow the same Label members and children .

The factors of episodes of times to keeping on weaken or attacking children would be estimated their pleasures of keeping sightseeing with TS as recognizing the learning comprehensive, knowledge of children and sensitive condition likewise making certain of own widen wisdom meanwhile keeping own status utilizing freely many conditions, Creative workers possessing and utilizing own coordination computer and coordination keeping safety protection wihin safety beautification as well while at respects with standard accounting statement, who going to tend to have been posted OST NPY SLM modes .


As regarding to needs properly success essential procedures regularly working on erected standard rule as to keeping standard criteria rule.


Creative workers possessing and utilizing own cordination computer have responsibility and regulation contented requirement as eligibility regarding utilization of coordination computer, and what’s systematic procedures of approval and supply as to keeping standard criteria rule still didn’t have set and worked on the erected rule legally complied with Standard rule whether approve to permittance of utilizing own coordination computer as well supply property each coordination computer or not possible approve to allow to use or possess own coordination computer and impound utilization of coordination computer.


As ordinary needs,

ATM Standard official information service what’s legally define own condition of approval of rights what’s the eligibility about the prescribed forms and specific apply and scrutinizing the responsibility as own duty list as to secured passage each of condition complied with Standard rule.


cordination computerとstandard ruleに関すること.


cordination computer  いくつものご自身の状況とcondition ,クリップcordinationを調整すること, 申込みを頼めるserviceがある.


#cordination computerのservicesに関すること.



Protection conditionを調えること.

Figure conditionと姿を調えること.

ご自身の欲しい額のcashをコーディネート 送金をコーディネート.



Standard information に関するreport.




NPY Mode Figureのお方様は記憶力が少ないconditionな症状なMode Figure.

例えば  NPY Mode Figureのお方様は 前日のepisodとinformationごとを覚えてないことも多いcondition.

NPY Mode Figureのお方様な場合でも

Cordination computerを所有使用しているCreative workersとcordination computer usersは

cordination computerを使用してご自身の記憶力をcordinatingして保てた.

電球 OSTで RTの記憶力を少なくしたり記憶をなくしたり 記憶を奪ったり 記憶を消したり覚えてないようにしない状況を要保つsecurity styleを好まれている.


Cordination computerご自身のProtection numberを決めれるcontectsもあるのでご自身を幸せにするようにご自身の状況とconditioncordinatingできてることも多い cordination computerを所有使用しているお方様のほとんどCreative workersとdutors(洗礼担当 dutorsも含む)  余裕があるstatus とおっしゃるお方様も多い.


cordination computerを所有使用しているCreative workersとcordination computer users

Standard passage rule以外のpassage sheetのstatusを過ごしていらっしゃる と伺った.

’Standdard ruleとsecured passage advice ’

cordination computerを所有使用しているCreative workers いくつもの責任と義務がある.


義務の一つは お子の命の保護とcordination computerを所有使用してないお方様達へのpassageの保護と命の保護がある.


TS capabilityconditionにあるcoordination computerを所有使用しているCreative workersお方様達が

お子とcordination computerを所有使用してないお方様達を弱め続けている傾向だった状況とお子を弱めてる理由は 

TS capabilityでお子を見たりすると 


Protection number としてのsensitive delicateなお子様の特徴とconditionが敏感な理解力を認識すること 


coordination computerを所有使用しているCreative workersお方様達は 

cordination computerを所有使用してprotectionを保ちつつ 簡単にどのように育てるのかを状況把握をする理解することと

楽なconditionを保てる研究と調整時間とcordination computerを所有使い続けるstatusを保ちたかった OST NPY SLMなお方様達も多い傾向だったよ

と 伺った.


現実としてStandard ruleの一律基準では

coordination computerを所有使用することの要件の制定はあるけれど

Standard rule制定基準を守らせる設定運営を成立してこなかった制定ruleが多い 

Standard ruleの一律基準を保つことも ProvisionとScrutinyとしてたいせつなこと 




Recent episodes memo.


Some parcents of Creative workers possessing and utilizing own coordination computer as visitor, Pivitor, Time leaper would tend to coordinate own visage(face and apppearance)and expressions often as similar or closing to looks like Livitors living at the place of presence time.

The factors in respects of the episodes as usual of coordinating and arrangement would have been expected in respect of suiting well with the situation at the place of presence time.

According to survey of stastistics,

Some parcents of them would tend to coordinate own visage(face and apppearance)and expressions often as similar or closing to looks like each of their having been cheering particular and specific Livitors, as additional condition in factor of coordinating in accounts with measuring advantages and merits similar or closing to looks like and expressions each of their having been cheering particular and specific Livitors’conditions advantages and merits as status deriving from SLM, 人相学, previlege as common with the same main visage as authorized position worker as sophisticated morality and pollite atitudes in respects of prescribed some passage rule each their conditions.


いくつかのお方様は 清らかに見える様子の姿のお方様を応援もすることもある理由は SLM 人相学 previlegeがあるお立場のお方様の特徴とmainの姿,礼儀のconditions のcordinationをご自身のconditionにもあるようにcordinationを調えて楽に過ごせるようにだった 



Gratitude to lovely excellent beautiful genius're properly supporting and kindness. 


Merveille✩ Lovely belle excellent passage 

Properly treasuring happily precious progress each of identity and edentity, Standard Label works,Standard duty, lovely esprit beauties ♡ pleasantly.




Good Luck. 



乙女のトキメキ ことばmemo.


Ordinary episode would have asked improve as of following points.

To take care making certain of the definition as of conversation phrase at messages and reports among World 3 member Dids talking and cordinating episodes as PNP and OST,NPY. 


To making certain of the definition as ofpeople except world 3 members, distinguishing whether

the definition as of ’World BG members except world 3 members and World 3 member Dids’.


the definition as of World 3 member Dids’.


Similar episodes concerning PNP and OST,NPY. 


To making certain of the definition as of ‘people except World BG members, distinguishing whether

the definition as of ’World BG members except World BG members and World BG member Dids’.


the definition as of ‘ World BG member Dids’.


To making certain of the definition as of ‘people except Label members’, distinguishing whether

the definition as of ’ Label members except the same Label members and the same Label member Dids’.


the definition as of ‘ the same Label member Dids’.


To making certain of the definition as of ‘people except members, distinguishing whether

the definition as of ’ people except the same members and the same members Dids’.


the definition as of ‘ the same members Dids’.


乙女のトキメキ  Point . 

Properly cordinating each passage persuannt to the prescribed passage sheet in respects of episodes of passage rule legally. 


World 3 member以外の定義は

‘World 3 member以外の World BG members’のこと

World 3 member Didsのこと

をどちらのことを言及しているのか 点検要点.

PNP modeの言葉の定義を 同義語 同音語など 他の言葉にして状況をアレンジしたり ルール違反 ; PNP,OST,NPY,することをさせないように

正しい規定の言語での worksをすることも たいせつなこと. と気にするお方様達も多い.


クリップReference episodes concerning PNP and OST,NPY.


World BG member以外’ Label member以外’  ‘member以外’の定義は

‘同じWorld BG member以外’ ‘同じLabel member以外’  ‘同じmember以外のお方様’のこと


‘同じWorld BG member Dids’   ‘同じLabel member Dids’   ‘同じmember Didsのこと



どちらのことを言及しているのか 点検要点.

PNP modeの言葉の定義を 同義語 同音語など 他の言葉にして状況をアレンジしたり ルール違反 ; PNP,OST,NPY,することをさせないように

正しい規定の言語での worksをすることも たいせつなこと. と気にするお方様達も多い.


Standard rule を守って正しく報告点検確認.一命づつのpassageの調え方を 基本ルールを守ること 

現実状況点検を頼める reportとinformation service運営 Needsはあるよ. 




Gratitude and Happiest.ピンク音符


ご自身自身も episodeとリクエストの内容 ご自身の望みを叶えることに関するすべてのものと存在にも 最善の状況になるように. 


Bonne chance♡ Belle chances Properly everbeing happiness as to excellently success supporting realizing each of wishes treasuring happily precious progress each of identity and edentity, Standard Label works,Standard duty, lovely esprit beauties ♡


意図することがすべてのお方様に良い幸せな望み wishingとplanのかなえ方になるように ご自身の本当のハートのwishingとplanを点検する時間を リラックスする優しい丁寧な方法を過ごすことも楽しみましょう.

Good Luck.


Bonne belle design.


最善の状況になるように依頼することのconcept ideal 必要な説明をする準備を調えてお祈りすることも  excellent 乙女のトキメキ


すべてのお方様 一命一命に たいせつに生誕準備をしていたお方様達がいること, 

support groupのお方様達, 

保護教育の担当者様とSpiritual support education,

幸せにする 良い優しい時間を保てるように 優しい愛と美 叡智 信頼ある準備と教育, Label works, passage sheet,すばらしい優秀なお方様達が 決めてきた すべてに優しい幸せなscheduleがあること,

改善, precure, remedy 健やかに過ごせること,などをすべてに優しい幸せになるように調整をするcordinatorと 


すべてのお方様に 祝福とあいがとう Gratitude and Happiest. Bonne belle moment.


少し時間がかかっても ご自身に合う本当の望みが一番良い幸せになれるように良く考えることも優しい良い時間に.

Gratitude and Happiest.   Bonne belle chances..


Gratitude continueing keeping excellent support, kindness, lovely merveille and beautiful at presence of times.
Lovely excellent beauties.


Properly success treasuring life passage of times. 

Bonne belle moment. 


Good Luck


♦ 3. 

季節 memo.  Portrait at chikyu calendar year '24 May 11th presenced.


14 pm Gratitude ピンク音符happy peace menading with Shalala Mereilleちゃん (ニャンパネラちゃん) . Brilliant.


Gratitude peace April, happy May, Bonne belle moment. 



Happiness remedy works  ’Relax style ideal.’ Portrait at chikyu calendar year '24 May 11th presenced.


Recent my happiness remedy.


‘Elixir water’


1.)  Sealing a paper written Happiness message words Example; HAPPINESS. LUCKY. Good Luck. Beauty. Etc what’s any favorite happiness words at tumbler, bottle or Jar.


2.) To pour water, hot water or ice water in the preceding tumbler, bottle or Jar.


私は 緊張しないようにむらさき音符 ’Relax style ' Tumblerに良いWordを記入のCoasterを置く.

良いWordを記入のTumblerの水を 健康になるお水 ‘Elixir water’と呼んでいるよ 美味しい.

幸せになれる Happiness と記入ある ‘Happiness Elixir water’  Beautyと記入ある ‘Beauty Elixir water’を作ること お守りを選ぶみたいに 良いWordを記入あるcardsを選び

‘Elixir water’の Remedy Tumbler のお水の cupsheet 透明のPropolliliren sheet 2枚の間に置く.

Pureちゃんのwater glassにも 


Properly happiness.


透明のPropolliliren sheetは 1coin shopにもある  用途に合う良さそうな大きさに調えて使えて便利. 

Propolliliren Coolour sheetもあるよ



Reference shoppinng ; Tumbler あいがとう.

Gratitude continueing keeping excellent support, kindness, lovely fuburous and  beautiful at presence of times.


Properly success treasuring life passage of times.


’幸運になれる方法 ’

あるTherapistさんが紹介してるお水の作り方が お水を飲む時に ご自身を健康にするお水によい言葉をおっしゃったり 望みをおっしゃる説明をしていたことをHint に‘Elixir water’ を作れた



Peace remedy.






Good Luck   



♦ 4. 

Report about preparation list as commodities of Needs insurance list referring annual expense as estimated amounts of cash payments list at presence of time

; reference reported about Needs insurance list in respects of condition regarding Livitor as Mibi of growth at standard profile.

Details of condition

#  Relax style ankerto  Q1. 1 or 2 condition adjust to presence figure.   Q2. .

Shopping preparing own necessary merchandized products of Needs insurance list who didn’t have been receiving supplied setting regularly necessarisities adjust to Needs insurance list at estate regarding following mentioned report.

Reference report regarding estimated price at Tokyo area conditions at chikyu calendar year 2024 May as of following.


お部屋にNeeds insurance listの日常のcommoditiesがsettingで定期的に届いてない状況でのNeeds insurance listの日常のcommoditiesの準備listに関するReport.


Rent at estate accommodated with 2 rooms;  30,000 cash.   / 2,500cash  250,000yen・Rent for a month at Tokyo area.


Clothes and fubrics ; 5,000 cash.

(Clothes,towels,socks,shoses,cover sheets,blankets,etc)


Care goods ; 2,000 cash.

(shampoo,conditionor,body shampoo,aspirin,medithine,mask,tissue,napkins,any bags,skincare cream,detergents,etc)


Maintenance fee ; 2,000 cash.

(Clearning for facilities and keeping tidy beautification of estate , computer and mivilities security,reassurance and maintenance fee,any gadgets,trasportation fee,etc)


Glocery  ;  5,000 cash.

(Towel, napkins,bevarages,vitamin(vitamin juice),mineral(powder tea),meals,spoons,calatories, cups, soucers,glasses,tumblers,etc)


Communication and cure fee ; 2,000 cash.

(Annual remittance for family relations, Annual gifts, educational fee, etc)


About 50,000 cash.


クリップ As rated1cash to $1.  As rated $1to ¥100.


Reference ; As regarding to Relaxing style ankerto  at presence figure as chikyu calendar year 2023 July..


1)    Concerning taking beverage and meals.  2) Vitamine colours what own relaxing style at presence.



1.To take popel little light meals and bevarages for a week.


2. To take popel light meal and bevarages for a day.

3. スイカにんじんバナナオレンジりんごサラダ

4. ハンバーガーステーキ寿司

5. Not to take meals.


クリップ Relaxing sensitive ankertoに関しての説明
Question1 )Relaxing sensitive style 1 and 2.

Popel meal の意味
1 粉やバターを練ってを温めたりしないで ビスケットがある Biscuit. 
Riceは畑で作らずに Riceがある Riceのこと.  Example] “Poha”
Gelato, milk, yogult、etc
2 お身体や環境にも優しい
3 誰のことも犠牲にしない方法での準備.

“Halal meal”



As regarding to colours.  


1. Pastel colours, twinkle colours, white.


2.  1 and 4. Pastel colours, twinkle colours, white ,brawn, black ,navy, gray, red.


3.  2)   2. included who persons occationally apt tending to push strongly 4 style against 1 and 2 situation .

    (Pastel colours, twinkle colours, white ,brawn, black ,navy, gray, red. 2)  2なのに 4.の色のどの色の服 shoses socks pen色にしてと4.のセレクト色以外選ばせない言動なこともある. )


4. Brawn, black ,navy, gray, red, white.



Gratitude continueing keeping excellent support, kindness, lovely merveille, treasuring happily precious progress each passage and  beautiful at presence of times.



Properly everbeing happiness 
meanwhile properly treasuring happily precious progress each of identity and edentity, Standard Label works,Standard duty, lovely esprit beauties ♡ pleasantly. wellbeing

Lovely excellent beauties.




Good Luck


♦ 5. 

 Provision and Peace remedy. Merveille . Portrait at chikyu calendar year 2024 May 12th presenced.


  ‘Standard assurance town.’


Standard assurance town.

To properly keeping Standard assurance town.regularly working on setting supply automatic services to apply residencial official services,as respects with


estate accommodated with utility, facility, movility, furnitures, necessarisity, adjust to each of the prescribed Needs insurance list each of presence figure and

standard information and reports, ATM standard information service, and any necessary Standard regular services working on setting supply automatic services

at Standard assurance town. complied with Stansard criteria rule.


Properly realizing everbeing bonne belle Joyeux.


Peace excellent remedy. Merveille






Good Luck   



Bonne belle jour.


Bonne belle design

Bonne chance♡ Belle chances

meanwhile as to excellently success Standard Label works,Standard duty, supporting realizing each of all existance's wishes and happiness passage pleasantly. 


Gratitude continueing keeping excellent support, kindness, lovely fuburous and  reasuring happily precious progress each passage and  beautiful at presence of times.



Lovely beautiful esprit properly realizing bonne belle design as well lovely excellent beautiful design what's properly realizing lovely happiness each of all existance pleasantly.


Properly success treasuring life passage of times. 

Bonne belle moment. 



Lovely excellent beautiful genius're properly supporting you.


君が伺う時間と場所は いつも健やかな幸せな時間 




君は 君を幸せにするお方様に会うハピ.


あいがとう       Good Luck.


Gratitude continueing keeping excellent support, kindness, lovely merveille and  beautiful at presence of times.



Properly excellent supporting success.

Any person’s living would be trasure of precious life. 




Properly everbeing happiness.

Bonne belle chances

Merveille✩ Lovely belle excellent passage 

Properly treasuring happily precious progress each of identity and edentity, Standard Label works,Standard duty, lovely esprit beauties ♡ pleasantly.

Good Luck