Bonne belle jour.


Welcome to visit at my URL page.



Thanks lucky for visiting at my URL page ' Belle etincelle Love'.


Bonne belle moment.

Joyeux annual temps.


Lovely Belle melody

Properly everbeing happiness 

Meanwhile properly treasuring happily precious progress each of your and every identity and edentity, lovely esprit beauties ♡ pleasantly. wellbeing







Good Luck.


Shall I have lecture regarding to points as to support happily what’s as of following.

1.  Happiness works.

2.  Happiness support.

3. Times memo note.

4. BJ] As regarding to some kinds of MF among Mode Figure Label at the standard report and profile.

5. BJ] As regarding to how many Mode Logo sect each World 1ー8.


♦ 1. 




私は Birthgroup 1 member

Birthgroup 1 memberのお方様に私のURLpage

Belle etincelle Love

Birthgroup belle etincelle happiness Love ♡



Happiness works 乙女のトキメキ 


私と同じLabel memberと

BG 1member BG Classified 1 memberに


Belle etincelle Love

Birrthgroup belle etincelle happiness Love



Lovely excellent supporting success properly appel each Labels at standard profile complied with satadard passage rule.


Label memberも Label member list の点呼 成功をすることも優しいね


Properly excellent supporting success pleasantly.






Good Luck   


♦ 2. Happiness support.


Happiness support ideaを紹介する

Happiness support商会. 


点呼campaign 乙女のトキメキ

As regading to ATM Brands.


ATM Brands would be consisted with 4 Brands what's clients of several World BGs each ATM Brand as example of


Appel ATM for several BG members each four ATM Brands as of following consisting with 

Appel ATM for 

World 1 4 6 7 8 members.

World 2.

World 3.

World 5.


Properly regularly setting appear Armband computer and Calling bell armband at the previously scheduled setting prescribed places and timing 5 am. 


As regarding to Calling bell armband for ordinary days.

Calling bell armband each four ATM Brands

what's contened with calling points what's possible customizing 20 points includied with previously setting   for ordinary servbices as of 

Via shop

Standard information ATM

Appel ATM

Duty and support tascks report information ATM service




Reference] Computer armband.

As regarding to pleasure list with presented supply goods from own BG service.


BG のお方様から届くことは嬉しいgoods.


Stationary goods.

Security pox bag.

Computer armband.


Message contact computer.

(Information board.Directory list and Standard informationservice list. Mail service, etc)




Setting regularly appear Armband computer and security pox bag at the previously scheduled setting prescribed places and timing 5 am. 



Duty and support tascks information ATM service.


To inform and to indicate regarding the duty list and standard basic rule, standard basic information and support tasks list as well the services to customers available researching regarding the preceding topics and own standard profile and own duty and support tasks list.


As regarding to ordinary support design.


ATM information and customizing and properly cordinating service.


The central security support where’s adjust cordinating and making sure normalizing properly keeping safety and standard rule.

Properly support with researching holographic map and list to bell signaled ringing Alarm at precaution and to inform precure infortmarion report before happening occur compied with standard creative rule.


Inspectors and ankertors bringing with occupation card via quickly support visit station to inspecting visit at the reality of times and immediately submitting report enveloped with  the prescribed ankerto list form regarding the episode.


Inspectors and ankertors would come back via immigration service at visit station where’s cheking with viso and occupation card to meeting place at the central security support


At the place of the episode, staffs as ankertors and reporting workers among area support workers each times of place area would re consisting members keeping support and safety since the alarm ringing signal of the problem episode at the passage..


As soon as possible, ATM information and contact service correspodant with ordinary service as duty and creative Barbara complied with standard rule.



ATM service optional information reports as of following.

*1 Duty list report.

*2 Benefits income as beneficiary about duty and rights report.

*3 Follow support report regarding client’s duty list.

*4Follow support report regarding duty list for client as beneficiary.


Properly excellent supporting success.


As regarding to central information service and precure center each Label and Birthgroup.

Properly previously system setting measures how to coordinating and the precise and *proviso what’s the prescribed required previous conditions each passage and options how to cordinating standard passage rule complied with standard rule.


The preceding mentioned Pricise and Proviso meant the prescribed required previous conditions each passage and options.


Properly previously setting measures of appel list at presence of times whether success or didn’t success regarding as of following.

Label members list
Needs insurance supplied list
Duty list

Report list
Accountability list

Standard profile reported list.

Standard information reported list.


As regarding to Creative worker have rights and duty properly regularly making sure reading own profile report and subects accounting reports regarding Creative worker at standard profile.


On scheduled passage complied with standard passage rule,

Subects accounts regarding Creative worker at standard profile would be reportable worthy with previously setting system service regularly reporting in respects of making results each passage with the measures of accounts each support success credit and assessment statement and account report at presence passase.

the preceding mentions proved required success to previously setting system service regularly reporting and would be necessary precoius works to inform and checking or appel the prescribed list as to make sure recognizing identificatin card and report card each persons who beneficiary have Needs insurance list number each conditions and presence figure


As regarding to examples as the measures with basic check list as to the prescribed particular report ways regarding to make sure worthy with informed regular report and accountability, appel list and discloser complied with standard rule as of following.

Properly making sure position sheet what’s allocated reporters more than 5 people making sure inspecting accurate working on the facilities and transportation.


2.Bell service

3.Secretary service

4.Security service


5. To regularly ask to information service about the prescribed accountability and appels list twice monthly at own duty of administrative work.

6. To regular visit at information services and properly making sure appels.

7. To regularly making sure to recieve the prescribed accountability and appels list and standard monthly and annual reports and statements at BG information service.

8. To regularly making sure to recieve the prescribed accountability and appels list and standard monthly and annual reports and statements at standard information service.


Properly realizing pleasant everbeing happiness passage.  Good Luck.


As regarding to Accountability of the prescribed duty and rights persuant to the administrative administrator rule.                  


Standard reportの annual report とmonthly report.

Cash flow statement regarding cash transactions of cash point accotnts.

Journal report.

Accounting statement. Result and statement of the prescribed duty list


LabelとBirthgroupごとのinformaion serviceと防災センター.


事前にstandard passage rule と standard ruleを守る前提条件ルルのcordinatingのsystemを設定することをstandard ruleを一律に必ず守らせる対策することを頼みたいお方様はとてもいる状況 と伺った.



Label members list. 点呼できたか点呼できてないか点呼list.
Needs insurance supplied list.  Needs insurance list numberのNeeds insurance を提供できているか提供できてないか点呼list.

Duty list.  Duty listを成功できているかDutyを成功できてないかの点呼.

Report list.  Reportする意義に値することに関するReport workを成功できているか成功できてないかの点呼.
説明責任list. 説明責任としてのDutyを成功できているか 説明責任を成功できてないかの点呼.

Standard profile reported list.

Standard profileに関すること

Standard profileを説明を伺う権利がある受益者に届けれているか届いてないかの点呼list.
Standard information reported list. Standard informationを


Creative worker はCreative workerとしてのsubjectのprofile点検

Creative workerとしてのsubjectのprofile accountsは義務ができているかsupport実績が成績とstandard passageを決めることがあるのでReport card とidentification card を届けることもたいせつな点呼表listの一つ


Beneficiaryにもpresence figureごとのNeeds insurance list numberがある.


As regarding to Accountability of the prescribed duty and rights persuant to the administrative administrator rule.                  


Standard reportの annual report とmonthly report.

Cash flow statement regarding cash transactions of cash point accotnts.

Journal report.

Accounting statement. Result and statement of the prescribed duty list




防災センター   予防のtimingに連絡ランプ.


改善状況点検] 現地連絡report and 現地訪問状況アンケートreport.


現地に support residencesとして状況点検reportするstaffs office とATM information service 設営.


説明責任 点呼 開示責任に関する点検項目の点検確認方法として一案件に5名より多いreport報告を配置すること

Report方法 例として

1.       メールservice

2.       Bell armbandでのsignal 連絡ランプ

3.       セクレタリーservice報告

4.       セキュリティ関連報告

5.       報告点検義務がある案件に関することを1か月に2回 information serviceに報告点検すること

6.       正式な通常なinformation service定期訪問確認すること

7. Standard informationに関して Birthgrpoupのinformation serviceに1か月ごとのreportとstatementsと年報告書report.

8. Standard informationに関して Standard information service1か月ごとのreportとstatementsと年報告書reports.







Properly happiness.


Properly excellent supporting success happily. 


Good Luck


♦3. Times memo note.


According to survey and stastistical EMP,


As regarding to shape of face.

Cubic form as the shape of face apt to have been keeping relax at times.


四角い顔のお方様は Relaxすることが楽なconditionなcordinatingになっていることが多い と伺った


Times memo report.


As regarding to remittance each World BG.

How much amounts of remittance would you have usually received as of following situations and asking purposes.


Purpose) Just needs to ordinary times. 

Pivitors (World 28,000,000,000 cash ($80 billions. )

Pivitors(World 5)  700,000,000 cash.    ($7 billions. )

Pivitors(World 4,6,7)  100,000,000 cash. ($ Billion unit. )

Pivitors (World 3)   70,000 cash. ($7 millions. $70,000.)

Parents (World 3)   10,000 cah.($10,000.)


Purpose) Shopping commodities and wears.

Piviors (World 5)  70,000 cash.

Pivitor (World 3)   40,000 cash.

Children(World 3)  5,000 cash.

Children(World 3)  1,000 cash.


*On ordinary chatting some person has inquiried 

''How much amounts of remittance would you have usually received ''

As of response of the inquiry as preceding situation, 

persons who had been usually recieved a large amounts of remittance would apt to talk modest politely recieving amouts honestly.


As regarding to the factor of annual income as of remmitance support each World BG.



World 2 4 5 6 7 member’s annual income at ordinary days would have been recently averaged with more large amounts of 200,000cash ($2 millions ) as keeping principal .

The factor of increasing asset amount would have been in part of annual interest income what’s averaged at annual rate of 0. 2 parcents to principal of 2 million cash about keeping principal amounts of 10 billions cash at saving account at bank each own World managed.



As regarding to duty of standard rule,


World 2 4 5 6 7 members would have duty at ordinary days,

cash supporting to to little property holders who have own little asset than recievable amounts in law at ordinary days among the same Soul Mate members at standard profile.



Pivitors (World 2)       800億円. 

Pivitors(World 5)        70億円. 

Pivitors(World 4,6,7)  10億円. ($ Billion unit. )

Pivitos (World 3      700万円. 

Parents (World 3)      100万円.



Piviors World 5)       700万円. 

Pivitor World 3)       400万円. 

Children  (World 350万円. 

Children (World 3)   10万円. 


お金をもらえてない とか お金をもらえる保証はないようにおっしゃるWorld 3 memberDidsは多い. 

 ご自身にもらえているcashが多いお方様は 良い礼儀を保って届くことがある受領額をおっしゃることもある


Billions* at unit of payment of remittance each World BG.

World 2 4 5 6 7 membersは 日常での同じWorld BGのBankに預けている預金の年率利子の収入が平均200万円より多い

10億円の0.2parcentsの年率での一年間の収入は 毎年200万円継続している場合もある と伺った.


World 2 4 5 6 7 membersは日常の義務として現状況の所有資産が少ない(法で決まっている授与されるべきincomeより少ない)同じSoul mate memberにcash supportをする義務もある.


Reference. Annual interest income regarding Guanrantee refund Fund plan.

Reference page .108)Febrary 5th '24. ♦5.Times memo. School student support.




あいがとう  Good Luck.


As regarding to the reasons or plots why cordinating a episode,

several ModeLabels apt to take plots among MODE LABELS as of following.

Episodeが起こることに関して理由にあることが多いMODE LABELS


陰陽の法則ML. NPY. OST.


Report at chikyu calendar year 2024 January.

As regarding to Mode Logo sect.


Recent times have been made more than 5 points each Mode Logo sect in a country .

Presence of times would have plan to have been properly moderately cordinating to around three points each Mode Logo sect in decades as of following three or four points categolized each Mode Logo sect.

1. Immidiately have been advanced to success cordinating proper passage complied with standard rule.

2. Some parcents among possible to moderate properly making own passage complied with standard rule would have been advancing.

3. Have been keeping own Modes at standard profile and didn’t have stance immediately advance to properly keeping complied with standard rule.



一つのcountryに5か所より多いMode Logo sect のmeeting pointがあるようになってる.


10年ほどで 一つのcountryに3つ4つづつほどのMode Logo sect のmeeting pointに区画整備が調える予定と伺った


Standard ruleaを守ってなるべくすぐに良い改善をするstanceのgroup.

Standard ruleを守って改善をすることが できることのいくつかづつな状況のgroup

Standard rule を守って改善をするstanceではあるけれど 現状維持を続けるgroup

Standard ruleを守って改善をすることを肯定するのに 改善への言動をしないgroup

Standard ruleを守らずに 生きたいように生きることを自己肯定を含めて が良いと想うgroup

前述のstyleを3つの categoryに区画整備してmeeting場所を決める予定もある






Good Luck



Everbeing properly pleasant happiness.


♦4. Times memo note.



Chikyu Times at chikyu calendar year 2024 Febrary 1st.


As regarding to some kinds of MF among Mode Figure Label at the standard report and profile.


Oni Mode Figure.


According to survey of stastistics, Oni Mode Figure each World at standard profile as of following.

More than 50 parcents of pivitors at Chikyu among World 5 members and World 5 members Dids.

More than 60 parcents of pivitors at Chikyu.


Oni Mode Figure.




*As regarding to explanation as of meaning female as Female Label as Gendar Label among Birth Labels at standard profile.

ARW Mode Figure.

ARW MF meant have been damaging female regarding as target or attacking female, lady,girl as target RT.


According to survey of stastistics, ARW Mode Figure each World at standard profile as of following.

More large amounts than 30 parcents of World 3 members and World 3 members Dids.


Reference: Female Label as Gendar Label among Birth Labels at standard profile.

Reference page 1 ) As regarding to make sure everythings happy


ARW Mode Figure.



(前述での女性の意:Standard profileのBirth LabelのGendar Label 表示での女性Female.)


*As regarding to explanation as of meaning child or children as Child motif of growth at standard profile.

ATK Mode Figure.

ATK MF meant have been damaging particular person among children as target or attacking particular person among children as target RT .



According to survey of stastistics, ATK Mode Figure each World at standard profile as of following.

less than 5 parcents of World 2 members and World 2 members Dids.

More large amounts than 50 parcents of World 3 members and World 3 members Dids.

10~20 parcents of World 5 members and World 5 members Dids.


ATK Mode Figure.



(前述での子供:Standard profileのmotif表示での子供.


NPY Mode Figure.

Standard ruleに対して違反言動でRTから奪おうとしたりRTから得ようとするお方様.


Naming regarding Mode Figure and any Label Naming at this page have mentioned naming for explanation and lecture at URL page, 

making sure to research formal name of Labels and motifs of standard profile at standard dictionary or dictionary at SPE computer.


このURL pageに記あるLabelsと MotifsのNamingは LectureとしてのNamingを記.


Standard dictionary,SPEの辞書などでStandard profileのLabelsと Motifsの正式名記あるよ.






Good Luck


Properly excellent supporting success pleasantly happily.


♦5. BJ] at chikyu calendar year 2024 Febrary 3rd presenced.


As regarding to how many kinds of Mode Logo sects each World BG of standard profile.


World 1.   4 ML sects.

World 2.   More than 20 ML sects.

World 3.   40ー50 ML sects.


World 4.    6 ML sects.


World 5.    25ー30 ML sects.


World 6.    9 ML sects.


World 7.  5 ML sects.


World 8. 6 ML sects.


* Mode Logo sects : ML sects.


Times memo. at chikyu calendar year 2023 6th Febary presenced.

As regarding to Mode Logo sect.


A sort of Mode Logo sect Label among Mode Logo sects at standard profile . 

A person who had selected particular passage sheet what’s making any person angry as RT would have condition given any profits, movits or commission to  a person registrated with the passage sheet in own passage of times. 


As regarding to the Mode Lodo sect Label of the preceding mentioned passage sheet chosen person

according to the survey about approximately parcentage of quantity each BG as of following.,


Mode Logo sect Labelの総数での

RTとか誰かが嫌がることをRTにするとMovitを貰えるpassage sheetを選んでいるModeのお方様達がLabel memberのMode Logo sectのparcents件数.


 Few parcents of quanlity among the quantity of Mode Logo sects in kind of Labels at standard profile. 

 More than 20 parcents of the quanlity among the quantity of Mode Logo sects each BG 18.



1 ML sect/4 ML sects.

ML sects/6 ML sects .

ML sects/9ML sects.

4ML sects /20 ML sects.

ML sects /40 ML sects.


The preceding mentioned Mode would tend to be as of following modes and Mode Figure at the preceding person’s Mode Logo sect members at standard profile.  



  陰陽の法則MFとFY mode

 #1日常Entertainment mode. 

#2CNCEALM MF.なかったことにするMFDisguise Mode.VL MF. EXC MF. IMP Mode Figure. OST MF PNP MF. のお方 様にも多い.




 #1日常Entertainment mode.に関するReference ,116) January 11th '24.♦3.

#2 CNCEALM MF.なかったことにするMF .に関するReference ,109) December 12th '23. ♦3.




Naming regarding Mode Figure and any Label Naming at this page have mentioned naming for explanation and lecture at URL page, 

making sure to research formal name of Labels and motifs of standard profile at standard dictionary or dictionary at SPE computer.


このURL pageに記あるLabelsと MotifsのNamingは LectureとしてのNamingを記.


Standard dictionary,SPEの辞書などでStandard profileのLabelsと Motifsの正式名記あるよ.




Good Luck



Everbeing properly pleasant happiness.


Properly excellent supporting success happily.



Bonne belle jour.


Bonne belle design

Bonne chance♡ Belle chances

meanwhile as to excellently success supporting realizing each of all existance's wishes and happiness passage pleasantly.


Likewise properly realize bonne belle design as well lovely excellent beautiful design what's properly realizing lovely happiness each of all existance pleasantly.


Lovely excellent beautiful genius're properly supporting you.


Lucky properly everbeing happiness

lovely precious beauty.  Good Luck


君が伺う時間と場所は いつも健やかな幸せな時間 






君は 君を幸せにするお方様に会うハピ.


あいがとう       Good Luck.


Gratitude continueing keeping excellent support, kindness, lovely fuburous and  beautiful at presence of times.



Properly excellent supporting success.

Any person’s living would be trasure of precious life. 






すべてに優しい幸せ ゆめみる宝石


Good Luck

Everbeing happiness.