Bonne belle jour.


Welcome to visit at my URL page.



Thanks lucky for visiting at my URL page ' Belle etincelle Love'.


Bonne belle moment.

Joyeux annual temps.


Lovely Belle melody

Properly everbeing happiness 

Meanwhile properly treasuring happily precious progress each of your and every identity and edentity, lovely esprit beauties ♡ pleasantly. wellbeing







Good Luck.


Shall I have lecture regarding to points as to support happily what’s as of following.


1. Report regarding ordinary business hours as of '24 January 11th presenced

2. 季節 Cafe.

3. Memo.

4. As regarding to statue of Recovery support form at standard profile.

5. 6. As regarding recent episodes.

7. As regarding to standard rule.

8. As regarding to ideal about floors estate.


1. Report regarding ordinary business hours as of chikyu calendar year 2024 January 11th presenced


Rakuten memo.


Rakuten shopping mall service 100 or 200 parcents points giving

to customers at 1|2 posobotity meant the chance as two to one possibility in particular shops announced in the prescribed campaign shops list at campaign page on URL.

After having shopping, the result will be known to having release two months later whether win as a result in a way with increasing point amounts in points of the campaign at own Rakuten points information service account.

The giving campaign Rakuten points will have been valid for 6 months.


Refereance URL page ]

当選確率2分の1!1等最大200%ポイントキャンペーン (


楽天さんのURL shopping mallでは

100ポイントを 1|2 確率で当選もらえる キャンペを1か月に2回ほど開催していらしゃる 






1月には200ポイントを 1|2 確率で当選もらえる キャンペン 1月16日期日





Good Luck


♦2.  季節 Cafe.



Tapioka powder or Corn scotch powder(コンスタチ)L spoon 1.

Sugar Spoon 1.

Lemon syrup A bits.

A cuo of water.


Warming the preceding recipe.



As regarding to kinds of modes of standard profile.

日常Entertainment mode]

Entertainment workのinitiationに登録があるお方様が のPrivateとWork時間を決めて働く決まりごとがあるのに 日常時間でEntertainment workをして過ごす過ごし方が誰かをRTにしているお方様のmode.

誰かをRTにする強さがあるPumを使えるEntertainment work準備にあるconditionがあるお方様もいる状況のお方様が Entertainment workのinitiationに登録がないお方様も Entertainment workのPumもあると自己暗示して接しているお方様達

Entertainment workのinitiationに登録がないお方様も日常の時間のCreateも

Entertainment workのcreation方法で育てられている と認識しているほどのお方様達.



Comic Figure

Entertainment workのinitiationに登録あるお方様がなることもあるFigure

Cimic Figureの俳優さんたちは Comicとか絵FigureのLectureと本 Comicの説系するOmnibusを演じて

説明WorkのSupportをしている Hero workをすることも優しい お方様も多い 

Comedianのお方様にもComic Figureになることもいいな と想うお方様もいる.


World 3,4,5,6,7membersは俳優さんWorkをすることを怖がらずに演じれたり


Woeld 1World 2 members俳優Workをすることを怖がるお方様も多い.

Woeld 1とWorld 2 membersは 扇風機を使わなかったり 扇風機をONにしている状況で眠ることはRelax styleではないSensitive styleなお方様も多い.





As regrding to regulated rule of protective application what's  respectively work and private among  particular works.


Contract information have been regulated apply and performing valid the contracts as of following.
Any employees and employment contract at entertainment,celebrity works who have been initiation regarding entertainment have right to contract to apply regarding security contract  to forbid any referring talk about own any private things what’s apply would be valid with submitting to each office company or agency also as of following.
Important sheet ; application form what’s to forbid about pltim marriage and
to forbid any referring talk about pltim marriage, privacy and private episode,private things including own private friends ,family, famile, school, and any things except talking about things contracted works during employment works .



契約にあるお仕事以外のPrivateなこと学校 結婚 家族 知人 友人 その他

に関することを少しもお仕事の時に言われたり 関わられないように頼む契約書を専属のoffice companyに提出すると前述のPrivate保護契約申込ごとを有効にする登録になるらしい.


Privateな活動 学校 結婚 家族 知人 友人 その他

契約にあるお仕事以外のことをしゃべらないようにしたり 関わられないようにする契約になっている


所属専属のOffice companyがPrivateを保護する契約申込をしてない場合

Private保護契約申込をしてる他のOffice companyに頼むお方様もいる. 






Good happiness fortune.


Good Luck.



As regarding to statue of Recovery support form at standard profile.


Statue of Recovery support form at standard profile: meant properly knowledge about standard information and properly researching reality of fact at standard information.


Example] Statue of Recovery support form as of following.



more larger than 1 meters

Meant properly making sure having knowledge being informed own standard priofile.


Statue More larger than 2 meters.

Meant properly making sure having knowledge reseaching standard information with SPE.


Statue More larger than 4 meters.

Meant properly making sure having knowledge reseaching standard information and EMP(According to stastics of survey, reports,maps,diagrums etc) with SPE.


Happiness works memo.




Lovely kind excellent genius properly support lovely polite lovely person and existance.

Properly making sure pleasantly everbeing happiness passage.


Refercence] 乙女のトキメキ

Memo ゆめみる宝石

As regarding to Creative Barraba.

Classified 1 works : would be managed with Creative barbara (Creative美容院) works 

likewise as well examples of Barbara, Clinic, Dresser, Medithine, Care,Cordinating painting works among Classified 1 conceptual works each World BG.

Classified 6 apt to be managed reception works and staffs at Creative Barbara.



Classified 1 among BG 1ー24 would be assumed likely seemed working with other BG members of the same Classified 1.

Classified 1 would be ask to properly success keeping boarder line of standard profile Label's duty and tasks and success as well duty of conceptual works each BG Classified complied with Standard rule.

Classified 5 among BG 1ー24 would be assumed likely seemed working with other BG members of the same Classified 1.



World BG 220, 23,24 except World 1 and World 8 had apt been successed many parcents of duty regarding own  BG Classified also visiting support success for children and Livitors at ordinary times .


World 1 and World 8 had been required keeping sucurity and protection rule persuant to the  administrative rule (管理者責任法)、system security rule, standard passage rule complied with standard rule,

meanwhile properly success keeping boarder line of standard profile Label's duty and tasks and success as well duty of conceptual works each Label complied with Standard rule,

Likewise properly successed  duty regarding own  BG Classified and each BG also visiting support success for children and Livitors at ordinary times.






誕生数work each BG Classified.


1   2     4   5    6   7   8   9 
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54


1 10 19 28 37 46 55.


2 11 20 29 38 .


3 12 21 30 39.


4 13 22 31 40.


5 14 23 32 41.

Classified 6

6 15 24 33 42.


7 16 25 34 43.

Classified 8

8 17 26 35 44.

Classified 9

9 18 27 36 45.


As regarding Conceptwork name each BG Classified.

Example) 誕生数work

Classified 1 )




Post Officer 郵便局員 



Brilliant Lamp 


医者 Painting  Barbara, Clinic, Dresser, Medithine, Care,Cordinating

Priest 神父/

Refercence] 乙女のトキメキ

Memo ゆめみる宝石

Classified 1 works : would be managed with Creative barbara (Creative美容院) works 

likewise as well examples of Barbara, Clinic, Dresser, Medithine, Care,Cordinating painting works among Classified 1 conceptual works each World BG. 

Classified 2)



Classified 3) 




(Ordinary work ( occupation) 保全supportをあいがとう)

Classified 4)



Classified 5)

Maid , Commetさん(Witch)


(Ordinary work ( occupation) Cafe, Shops, Store, 学校給食, Airport and Railway supply service, Cafe, Beautification, Estate, Setting of Needs Insurance goods at regularly service  etc へのsupports あいがとう)

Classified 6) 




Tourguide 添じょう員  

Actor /

(Ordinary work ( occupation) 優しい保全works, Service works and cabin attendarbts at Airport and raiway services もあいがとう)

Classified 7) 

Police  Cop   Shelf 


(Ordinary work ( occupation) 優しい保全worksもあいがとう)

Classified 8)


(Ordinary work ( occupation)では 教員のお方様も多い あいがとう)

Classified 9) 

Concielge 執事 Contacty/

(Ordinary work ( occupation) 

優しい保全works, Trainor and chiefs for cabin attendants and staffs of Airport and Railway service, 

Manner and molality advice works あいがとう)

占星術師 Astrology Idol 探偵 Reseacher Attorney Navi Worker Guide



誕生数・TypicalWork  ( 系 )

1-9. Cordinator

10-18. Secretary
19-27. Lesson Lecture
37-45 ・Angelic
46-55 ・Muse 神父 Teacher Elixir.




Lovely fuburous gratitude continueing keeping excellent support, kindness and  beautiful at presence of times.






Properly everbeing happinessむらさき音符 belle design. Felicity.




Good Luck.


REFERENCE] Classified. 

111) December 27th '23. URL page,  Belle etincelle Love.

1 ) As regarding to make sure everythings happy 26.

URL page, Birthgroup belle etincelle happiness Love.




As regarding to some Mode Logo sects.


Among Mode Logo sects,

some of Mode Logo sect what’s consisting Label members with among only the same BG member Dids who seemingly expected to plots to keeping going on only some groups regulated rules and profile date what’s not reality of the fact and including with incorrect information regarding Label profile and the rules and profile date except standard information, standard passage rule and standard profile.


いくつかのMode Logo sectは 同じBirthgroup member Dids以外のBirthgroupのお方様がいらっしゃらない

Mode Logo sect membersはいくつかのグループのルールと事実ではないLabel profileを含むProfile dateでpassageを進めるようにしようとするModesのお方様と他のBirthgroupにしてきたことをなかったことにするModeがあるお方様も

が多い と伺った.


Memo 星

My sister's Mode Logo sect members would be consisting of including with more larger than 60 parcents of her friends and schoolmate and students who her going to junior high senior school during the same school years or the same employment staff at the occupation with my sister. 

Some of Mode Logo sect number would be apt consisting with Mode Logo sect members included more larger than 50 parcents of his or her friends and schoolmate and colleagues.


私の家族としての姉のMode Logo sect numberのmembersには姉と同じ小中高校 学校 会社に通っていた姉の同学年と同世代の60parcentsより多いお方様が姉と同じMode Logo sect number membersだった

いくつかのMode Logo sect numberも ご自身の知り合いの50parcentsより多いお方様が Mode Logo sect number membersにいらっしゃるMode Logo sect numberも多い 





As regarding recent episodes.


World 3 BG4 episode

To BG 4 member and members Dids could rest Jyutsu for a day, and

BG 4 member and members Dids would be given rewards of 40 cash.

World 3 Birthgroup 4は 術JYUTSUを使うことを1日休むと 40 cahもらえる.


As regarding recent episodes.


いくつのWorld Birthgroupは記憶を薄くしてくるmodeに関わられないようにするprotection numberにするように

TSのprotection numberをするLabelも多い




Reference : As regarding to ordinary report with accounts list as diagram chart at some EMP .


Exmample] 1ー6 explanations at diagram at EMP.


Presence figures.


Protection number.


Needs insurance supply.






Properly realizing own wishes.

Needs insurance supply and shopping commodities about own necessary.




Growth age

Year ages

Pltim age

Appearance ages

に合う教育があることもsupport効率designに良い と想うお方様もいる.


As regarding to pleasure list with presented supply goods from own BG service.


BG のお方様から届くことは嬉しいgoods.


Stationary goods.

Security pox bag.

Computer armband.


Message contact computer.

(Information board.Directory list and Standard informationservice list. Mail service, etc)




Setting regularly appear Armband computer and security pox bag at the previously scheduled setting prescribed places and timing 5 am. 



Duty and support tascks information ATM service.


To inform and to indicate regarding the duty list and standard basic rule, standard basic information and support tasks list as well the services to customers available researching regarding the preceding topics and own standard profile and own duty and support tasks list.




As regarding to ordinary support design.


ATM information and customizing and properly cardinating service.


The central security support where’s adjust coordinating and making sure normalizing properly keeping safety and standard rule.

Properly support with researching holographic map and list to bell signaled ringing Alarm at precaution and to inform precure infortmarion report before happening occur compied with standard creative rule.


Inspectors and ankertors bringing with occupation card via quickly support visit station to inspecting visit at the reality of times and immediately submitting report enveloped with  the prescribed ankerto list form regarding the episode.


Inspectors and ankertors would come back via immigration service at visit station where’s cheking with viso and occupation card to meeting place at the central security support


At the place of the episode, staffs as ankertors and reporting workers among area support workers each times of place area would re consisting members keeping support and safety since the alarm ringing signal of the problem episode at the passage..


As soon as possible, ATM information and contact service correspodant with ordinary service as duty and creative Barbara complied with standard rule.



ATM service optional information reports as of following.

*1 Duty list report.

*2 Benefits income as beneficiary about duty and rights report.

*3 Follow support report regarding client’s duty list.

*4Follow support report regarding duty list for client as beneficiary.



Duty list categolizied with Duty successed list and Deficiency of own duty list what’s in case of deficits or deficiency about own duty.


Benefits income as beneficiary about duty and own rights report categolizied with Benefits about duty and own rights successed list what's having successed supporting and Deficiency about own benefits list what’s in case of deficits or deficiency about duty for the client.


Follow support report regarding client’s duty list categolizied with two parts from as of following.

 Any person successed duty list who having successed some duty works in case of deficits or deficiency about own duty.

 Proxy successed duty list Proxy members list who having successed some duty works in case of deficits or deficiency of own duty.


Proxy successed duty list Proxy members list who having successed some duty works for supporting or helping client as regarding own income or benefits for client as beneficiary.


Properly excellent supporting success.



防災センター   予防のtimingに連絡ランプ.


改善状況点検] 現地連絡report and 現地訪問状況アンケートreport.


現地に support residencesとして状況点検reportするstaffs office ATM information service 設営.



ATM service optional information reports as of following.

*1 Duty list report.

*2 Benefits income as beneficiary about duty and rights report.

*3 Follow support report regarding client’s duty list.

*4 Follow support report regarding duty list for client as beneficiary.


*1 ご自身がDutorであるDuty list 2部構成

 ご自身が成功できているDuty list 

 Duty listの中で不履行を続けているご自身がする責務Duty list.

*2 ご自身が受益者である権利がある list 2部構成

 ご自身に成功できているご自身が受益者であるDuty list 

   ご自身が受益者である届けられるはずの listの中で 不履行の受届予定list..

*3 ご自身がDutorであるDutyに関するFollow support report 2部構成

 ご自身のDutyを他の誰かが成功できているDuty list 

 ご自身のDutyをproxyが成功できているDuty list.

*4  ご自身が受益者であるDutyに関してDutor以外がsupportしてきていらっしゃるlist.




Properly happiness.


♦7.  As regarding to Standard rule.


As regadrding to Birth Label duty and assessment referring to standard statement report and standard profile based on standard passage rule and keeping standard accounting rule.


Standard profile of the same Label members Dids also have been continueing to reflected to keeping accounts of the same Label group subject accounts.

Standard profile of the same Label members Dids also have been continueing to reflected to t the same Birth Label’s rank and class at standard profile report and standard statement report complied with Standard accounting rule and Standard basic rule.

Birth Label would have been continueing duty keeping educating passage and Needs insurance supply to own the same Birth Label member Did also.


* Label members Dids : meant

Label members Dids who had been Birth Label member before and dosen’t have take particular Birth Label among Birth Labels or invalid what’s own passage didn’t having been qualified adjust to Label member in reason of own atitudes in referring with modes of own standard profile at presence of passage.


Standard profileの成績評価基準のStandard ruleに関すること.

同じBirht Label members とBirth Label members Dids のprofileにある成績評価も Birth Labelのgroup としての成績評価基準に関わるので同じLabel memberへの教育義務は継続している Birth LabelとしてのNeeds insurance義務も継続している.






Properly happiness passage.


♦8.  As regarding to ideal about floors estate.




Accommodated and to utilize facility with parking garage, shoses shelf at entrance, cure room, Needs insurance shop, concielge and mail service, rental commodities at strage room, computer room, Biblio book shelf, landry room,etc at entrance floor and several floors.


How to customizing to select referring with necessary catalogue what’s adjust to own Needs insurance list number and Relax style number would be designed to select with the prescribed list for setting design accommodated room at estate and necessary commodities at own estate.


Probubly service approved to offer renewal customizing design and selecting setting points and commodities and service at the prescribed list at catalogue.




Everbeing happiness,

Lovely excellent beauty.




Bonne belle jour.


Bonne belle design

Bonne chance♡ Belle chances

meanwhile as to excellently success supporting realizing each of all existance's wishes and happiness passage pleasantly.


Likewise properly realize bonne belle design as well lovely excellent beautiful design what's properly realizing lovely happiness each of all existance pleasantly.


Lovely excellent beautiful genius're properly supporting you.


Lucky properly everbeing happiness

lovely precious beauty.  Good Luck


君が伺う時間と場所は いつも健やかな幸せな時間 








君は 君を幸せにするお方様に会うハピ.


あいがとう       Good Luck.


Gratitude continueing keeping excellent support, kindness, lovely fuburous and  beautiful at presence of times.



Any person’s living would be trasure of precious life. 






すべてに優しい幸せ ゆめみる宝石


Good Luck

Everbeing happiness.