ビッグ・ファーマ 製薬ビジネスの裏側 | Unlocking English Confidence.

Unlocking English Confidence.


ビッグ・ファーマ 製薬ビジネスの裏側

日本ではNHK BSで放映していたようですが、DWドキュメンタリーが公式にYouTubeで公開しています。こういう公共性の高い番組は誰でも視聴できるようにするべきですよね。NHKは公共性って言いながらやっていることは法に基づいた強制サブスクビジネスですよね。フランスの番組ですが英語吹替なので大丈夫ですし、YouTubeは日本語字幕も表示してくれるので大丈夫です。

Big Pharma - How much power do drug companies have? | DW Documentary - YouTube

Good day.

I watched BIG PHARMA GAMING THE SYSTEM on YouTube. Japanese version was broadcasted by NHK BS. You can watch this documentary film on YouTube DW Documentary official channel. If you understand English, you can watch this without any translation because English dubbing is available. You don't understand English? Don't worry, YouTube has a translation feature, English-Japanese translation subtitles are available.


The first episode of this documentary is Martin Shkreli's case. He is an American investor and business person. His investment company acquired a pharmaceutical company Turing Pharmaceuticals and raised its price of Daraprim (pyrimethamine), a standard treatment for toxoplasmosis, by 5000%. This medicine is essential for HIV patients with complications. Society and people criticized him and a diet member made a question about this issue in the congress. He said, it's just rough summary issued by myself, it was his business and he mentioned that he just did that to meet shareholders' expectations.

This is a typical American common sense, to pursue individual benefit could make a social benefit as long as following laws and regulations. Do you agree this American culture?

Would there be an clear answer whether pharmaceutical companies exploit profits from patients who are suffering with diseases? From another perspective, pharmaceutical companies are investing billions of money to develop innovative medicines to help patients. What are your thoughts? Of course, there was an ethical problem in Martin Shkrel's case.


Thank you for reading. Have a nice day.