DMM英会話 AIロールプレイ | Unlocking English Confidence.

Unlocking English Confidence.



Good day.

Do you continue to study English? Of course, studying English is a long and tough journey. However, we have technology now, many tools can support us to study English. Let me introduce "AI roleplay" tool on DMM Eikaiwa today.

AI roleplay is a tool of practice for English conversation based on Large Laguage Model like ChatGPT. If you have studied English for years, you would be able to understand how useful this tool is. On the other hand, if you are beginner, it would be difficult to use this tool effectively. This tool can recognize what you said and respond with that. It is amazing, isn't it? AI roleplay has many practices what you face on in daily situation. The most innovative thing is that AI can respond with what you said, not confirmed before. If you want to continue the conversation, you can enjoy a conversation regardless the main topic.

Input is important in language practice but Output is more important, as you know. I am pretty sure that AI roleplay tool can help you. You might no longer need a real tutor.

Himeko-san, do you use this tool? If not, why not try this?


Thank you for reading. Have a nice day.