受け継げてる?そばの実ハイボール | Unlocking English Confidence.

Unlocking English Confidence.





Good day.
I almost forgot that I am preparing whisky with roasted buckwheat. I would like to take over the spirit of TSURUYA's buckwheat whisky and soda.

I made whisky and soda without ice block. It was very good but I didn't compare the taste with the original. I am going to bring this to OHWAT. I would like for them to try this.

Thank you for reading. Have a nice week.
Let me say something here.
I have considered a thing very much about how I should spend my spare time in the coming years. I have spent much time on Ameba blog for years but from now on, I now decided to close my comment box and like button. I am so sorry. Any change is important and I am welcoming any change. This may be a small change but I expect this small change can make my life different.
Thank you for your understanding and acceptance.