白銀亭 大阪あまからビーフカレー | Unlocking English Confidence.

Unlocking English Confidence.


Good day.
I mentioned "Osakan Sweet and Hot Spicy Curry" several times before. The most popular Osakan Sweet and Hot Spicy Curry is Indian Curry (not Indian Curry). I like curry and rice there.
I bought a ready-to-eat packed curry "Osakan Sweet and Hot Spicy Beef Curry of Hakugintei". I don't know Hakugintei at all but the curry house got 3.72 rating on Tabelog. The high rating shows its popularity and quality of their dish.

It was good but not similar with Indian Curry. I bought another "Osakan Sweet and Hot Spicy Curry" ready-to-eat packed curry. I will try that. Indian Curry broadly has affected many curry restaurants in Osaka, anyway. I would like a food company to develop ready-to-eat curry of Indian Curry.

I came back Osaka last night and I am going to work from home today. I would have liked to avoid crazy crowd in a Shinkansen bullet train and at Shinagawa Station. That was the reason why I advanced one day to go back my home town.
By the way, I enjoyed Izakaya Shinkansen last night, of course. The food box had variety of foods, was very good. I haven't drank One CUP OZEKI for a while. I drank dozens of One CUP OZEKI at the training center in Hakone during the foundation training when a new graduate. And the cost of sake was deducted from my salary few months later. I was the person who drank sake the most in all new graduates while I competed with another.
Thank you for reading. Have a wonderful FriYay.