【路麺】中延六文そばと美人店員さん | Unlocking English Confidence.

Unlocking English Confidence.


Good day.
After taking an online English lesson in the morning, I went out to a library. I took a train and got off Ebara-Nakanobu Station and walked a residential are through narrow streets.
As I mentioned on the past post, I try to allocate at least 2 hours in weekends for reading a book to study.

Even in the morning, this super market was really lively, a lot of customers and staffs. This is embeded in this town and their life.

This is Genjimae Library. I looked for a book, many libraries in Shinagawa-ku have this book but only available here and others were on rental. The library was really old and small. They have few tables and chairs and less collection of books. There was not student to study, most of people there were older adults but I was curious about more staffs were working than customers.

昨日読んだ本は河合雅司著「未来の年表 業界大変化」、最新刊で2022年発刊です。
I got to know the book series "Chronological Table of the Future" about aging problems in Japan from an internet article. The latest volume was published in 2022, focuses on coming changes in industories. These books were written by Masashi Kawai. By the way, an internet search and reservation system of book collection in a library is available now. It is really convenient.




The summary of the book is;

  • The declining birthrate stems from changing values among people, not from policy failures.
  • Population forecasting is not merely an estimation; it is determined by calculations based on the current number of births. It is almost impossible to change the trend because the nuimber of fertile women is going to decrease.
  • Consider focusing on strategic shrinkage.
  • Dual decreasing happens, population and consumption. Older adults don't consume so much than younger, and these less consuming older adults will occupy main population in the future.
  • It means decreasing of Japan market. Most of Japanese company and industory rely on Japan market.
  • Foreign workers may not choose to visit Japan for getting job in the future because could earn less money than in other countries.
  • The likelihood of a pessimistic future is certain. That's why we should understand the coming future and change our mind.
I am sure most of you know the aging issues but most of you don't change your mind yet. Each Individual is responsible for a future.
This area was near from Nakanobu Station, the sanctuary for Romen warriors. Let me start Roka Sampo.

It took just several minutes from the library to Nakanobu Station.

I am really happy that Rokumon Soba in Nakanobu is opened in weekends now. The TV Show "TOKYO GESOTEN BLUES" introduced the Romen.

Of course, I ordered gesoten soba noodles. It was 600 yen.

To be honest, the quality is lower than Tsugumi Dining where I introduced on the post yesterday. It tastes typical cheap soba noodles of standing soba restaurants. The soba noodle was too soft with less texture and flavor, produced by Muramen Noodle Factory. And the amount of gesoten was less than Tsugumi's one. But the soup was special, very good with appropriate sourness from broth and soy sauce. I should mention that soba noodles was served within 1 minute. It is the strength of typical Romen resttaurants.
My gesoline meter is completely full now.

A young cute female staff was working yesterday, who was interviewed in the TV show. She was actually cute. Sunny-Cook-san, why not come here!?
It looked they worked based on their responsibility. She cooked soba noodles and washed bowls in spare time. The old woman fried gesoten. I couldn't check the calendar on the wall. Polnareff-san suggested that the handwritten numbers on the calendar might indicate the count of visitors. I suppose the TV show affects to increase the count of visitors because of the cute staff.

I was relieved that Yamatoya very near from Rokumon Soba was also almost full with much visitors.

Let me restart Roka Sampo. I drank KIRIN HAREKAZE, a limited brewed in Spring. The climate was confortable.
I am not a Railway geek but I could take the shot below, combination of cherry blossoms and Yamanote Line Railway with pink and green contrast.
Thank you for reading. Have a nice week!