【路麺の日】武蔵新城かしわや | Unlocking English Confidence.

Unlocking English Confidence.


Good day.
Somei-Yoshino cherry blossoms are beginning to bloom but most of them are still buds. Can you see two cherry blossoms on the tree? I deleted a sign by eraser magic of Google Pixel on this picture.

By the way, do you remember "Saturdays are Romen Days" campaign? I took my hair cut and hair dye yesterday morning, I didn't have enough time to go far. I got off at JR Musashi Shinjo Station.

There was KASHIWAYA just in front of the station but it was not my Romen yesterday. 

I took several minutes to search where the Romen I wanted to go is.

Here is SHIOYA, today's my destination, but unfortunately it was already closed even though it was just over 1:30. I knew the closing time is 2 PM. I was disappointed. Staffs were inside and her son was eating lunch. They would have closed the restraurant because less customers and their private reasons. I will never be here again. I went the Romen away from my Romen list that I will visit.

I came back KASHIWAYA. KASHIWAYA is a small chain Romen restaurant in Kanagawa prefecture, probably mainly in Kawasaki city. I visited KASHIWAYA in Musashi Kosugi after taking GTEC several years ago. I compromised today's Romen activity here but it was OK because soba noodles of KASHIWAYA are good.
The interior was not special but simple and clean. There were some tables and chairs, so you can eat soba noodles while sitting. The food ticket vending machine didn't have cashless payment system unfortunately.

I ordered nanohana-ten(tempura canola) of  soba noodles. It was 490 yen. Take a look the light color soup. The soup was different with Tokyo style soup, rather close to Kansai style soup. They say it is Kawasaki style soup.

The soba noodles were high quality cooked from raw soba noodles. These had fine texture.

Let me start Roka Sampo. I walked through a arcade shopping street. I felt Showa Era atmosphere.

I stopped by AEON My Basket and bought ASD.

Shinjo Shrine.

I got to Musashi Nakahara Station and I passed by here.

みんなの食卓 松屋食堂。建築中でした。松屋と松のやのコンビネーションみたいですね。これは人気が出るだろうなあ。
MATSUYA DINING HALL was under construction to prepare. It seemed the combination between MATSUYA, beef rice bowl restaurant, and MATSUNOYA, pork cutlet restaurant. I believe it will be popular soon after open.

This is Fishing Nakahara. I was interested in latest fishing gears but I passed by because I haven't done fishing for few years.
I like this kind of scenery of river and plants.
I got to Musashi Kosugi area. This is a service cut, right?
Musashi Kosugi is really popular area to live. The station and line are very convenient to go to main stations directly and close to central Tokyo. I imagine that housing cost is quite expensive here. People there looked wealthy and sophisticated and there were a lot of young beautiful women. 
I went home from Musashi Kosugi Station. 
Thank you for reading.
It's been 8 years since I moved to Tokyo alone in 2016. Tokyo may become a place where I live longer ever.
Have a nice weekend!