Flowers | Unlocking English Confidence.

Unlocking English Confidence.


Finally! Finally, Somei-Yoshino Cherry Blossoms are beginning to bloom. We can expect beautiful cherry blossoms next week in Tokyo. I am not sure the blooming schedule of Somei-Yoshino across Japan. By the way, it is hard to take a picture of flowers beautiful in cloudy weather.

Somei-Yoshino Cherry Blossoms

I took a short walk (Roka Sampo) on lunch break when I worked from home yesterday. I enjoyed to see flowers. I was feeling that Spring is coming!
These are Marguerite. I didn't know the spelling.
I don't know the species of flowers I saw in the night few days ago on the way home from the office. It was beautiful.
Thank you for reading. 
I am sorry the post is written in English only. I felt Mendoukusai to write this in Japanese again.
Have a nice day, enjoy  a FriYay!