酸辣湯麺を作ろうっと | Unlocking English Confidence.

Unlocking English Confidence.


Good day, I'm glad you're here.
I cooked Chinese hot and sour soup noodles by Maruchan Seimen before on the other day, you can check that on the link below.
This time, I cooked Chinese hot and sour soup noodles by Korean instant ramen noodles. I was inspired the recipe by the blog of Tomosuke-san who lives in Irvine California. I bought NONGSHIM NOGRI MILD that has milder taste than ordinary Korean hot instant ramen noodles.

A cooking process of Korean instant ramen noodles is different from Japanese one. Putting the soup powder into hot water as the same time as putting noodles in.
After boiling 5 minutes, I put Japanese vinegar made by rice. Put Japanese vinegar for 30mL to 60mL depending on your preference. I like sour soup, I put 60 mL into the soup. And then, I put some amount of Toromi-chan (starch powder) into the soup to make the soup sticky.
Lastly, I put beaten egg into the soup and then put sesame oil to add a flavor.
I cooked this for lunch when I worked from home. 
It was really good. I almost drank all the soup. Thank you Tomosuke-san for letting me know the recipe.
Thank you for coming to my blog.
Have a nice day!
An English practice.
I have a double-glazed glass. There is air between glasses to be able to keep temperature, hot to hot and cold to cold. And a double-glazed glass doesn't have any water drops outside. But I don't like its design of my double-glazed glass I bought at a 100 yen shop DAISO. I am looking for another.