【路麺の日】中延 大和屋 | Unlocking English Confidence.

Unlocking English Confidence.


Good day, I'm glad you're here.
After I went to my hair cut, although I didn't have enough time, I went to Nakanobu station because "Saturdays are Romen Days" and also my Gesoline meter was almost empty. I had complicated things. I need to maintain my condition. I need to fill Gesoline as soon as possible to recover my geso condition.



I arrived Nakanobu Station. Nakanobu area is the sanctuary for Romenists because there are two good Romen restaurants, Rokumon and Yamatoya there. You can take a photo of Rokumon Soba and Yamatoya in the same frame by a wide-angle lens of a smartphone.

I was considering which Romen I went. I decided to eat soba noodles at Yamatoya. This Romen is my starting point of my Romen journey, I visited here in 2017 for the first time.
Originally, Yamatoya was the tempura shop to sell their tempura to other restaurants. So, tempura are very good here. There were various types of tempura but I already decided my order.
This is the price list. The price of everything is raised, unfortunately but we need to accept the price raising. In the past, Geso-kaki soba noodle was 400 yen. Japan needs to exit the long and dark deflation tunnel.
The noodles were served by MURAMEN noodle factory.
Of course, I ordered Geso-kaki soba noodles. It was 500 yen, I was happy it was still one coin.
It was good but not special. I don't mean it was ordinary. My long Romen journey raised my bar. Anyway, Yamatoya will be my starting point forever. I filled gesoline into my body. Gesoline can make me happy and resilient.
As I mentioned before, I didn't have enough time to do Roka Sampo because I had a lecture. By the way, my lecture enhanced discussion among participants. It was very good opportunity to me and I hope it would have been good to participants as well.
I walked though NAKANOBU SKIP ROAD, a traditional shopping arcade having the atmosphere of Showa era.
There was a traditional fresh vegetables and fruits store.
This is Showa Shopping Town. The name of the shopping street showed its old atmosphere. There was a popular ramen noodle restaurant , Ida Shoten, having waiting people in the queue. Tabelog point is 3.72.
I took a train at Ebara Nakanobu Station of Tokyu Railways to go back my apartment.
Thank you for reading, I hope U enjoyed this post.
Have a nice three-day week end!