餡かけ豆腐ラーメン | Unlocking English Confidence.

Unlocking English Confidence.


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Polnareff-san, one of my blog friends, influences me very much in various fields. After he moved to the the apartment and lives alone, he often cooks ramen noodles with tofu and sticky soup. I try to cook it, I prepared chicken oil, Okinawan red pepper soy sauce and Toromi-chan as starch powder.

マルちゃん正麺 醤油味を調理していきます。
I used instant ramen noodles, Maruchan Seimen soy sauce taste. I boiled noodles and cut tofu for around 5 minutes.
I seasoned it by the sauce in the package but I thought tofu would weaken the soup. I added Okinawan red pepper soy sauce a little.
It was really good. Instant ramen noodles don't have enough protein but much carbohydrate. Tofu is a plant based protein. It can make nutrient balance better. Instant ramen noodles have infinite possibilities, you can cook various ramen noodles from them by your skills.
札幌けやき 札幌味噌鍋つゆ
I bought miso soup of Keyaki for hot pot cuisine, a famous miso ramen noodle restaurant in Sappro, Hokkaido prefecture. But I have never tried it there.
I expected it too much. After eating the hot pot cuisine, I cooked ramen noodles in the soup but the taste was too strong, too salty. It would be better I cook soup by myself.
Thank you for reading. Were you satisfied this post?
Have a nice day!
As you can see, I changed my portrait image because of the reason about copyright. I think this illustration is the most similar with real me in images I post so far.