受け継がれる魂 | Unlocking English Confidence.

Unlocking English Confidence.


Good day, I am glad you are here.
Polnareff and his funny friends were into the original buckwheat whisky and soda of Tsuruya(now terminated its business, unfortunately). I would have wanted to imitate the original buckwheat whisky, but Polnareff-san went ahead of me. Furthermore, he was given buckwheat by the master chef of Tsuruya. It is called that he takes over the master's soul.
I bought SUNTORY WHISKY WHITE jumbo bottle. I heard from the master chef of Tsuruya that which kind of whisky he used, but I didn't follow his original recipe because I would have liked to try to establish my recipe.

I purchased buckwheat on Amazon because this kind of whole buckwheat is not available at ordinary super markets. It was 500 yen. The buckwheat is from Hokkaido.
I already heard the master's advice to Polnareff-san about buckwheat whisky at the last secret meeting. He needed to roast buckwheat more until becoming dark brown. So, I roased buckwheat well on weak flame.
Roasted buckwheat was good for eating but less specific flavor of buckwheat.
I realized 100g buckwheat is not enough amount for this jumbo bottle. I purchased more buckwheat.
To be continued.
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this post.
Have a nice weekend!