【家麺の日】まる天うどん | Unlocking English Confidence.

Unlocking English Confidence.


Hi there, how are you? How was the first Romen Day this year, yesterday? I hope you did enjoy your first Romen activity yesterday. Unfortunately, I didn't do that because I am still in Osaka and I didn't have free time at noontime.
I would have liked to feel the first Romen Day, then I cooked udon noodles.
I bought boiled udon noodles by Fujimoto Foods in Nara prefecture as same as soba noodles I cooked on the other day. And I bought Maruten of Kanesada, a nation wide fish cake company.

I cooked the udon soup by a packed mix broth Ajidashi-Meijin, salt, sugar, sake and Higashimaru thin-colored soy sauce. I am pretty sure, this Higashimaru thin-colored soy sauce is the most popular soy sauce in Kansai area which is produced in Hyogo prefecture. In contrast of the thin color, the soy sauce has higher concentration of salt according to the staff of Higashimaru.
I put Maruten, tenkasu(fried small flour ball), and expired sliced green onions.
You can see the thinner colored soup compared from soba soup I usually cooked.
It tastes just typical udon noodles in Kansai area but it was a little bit salty. I put a bit too much salt into the soup. I think cooking udon soup is easier than soba soup.
Thank you for reading my blog. Have a nice three-days weekend!
English lesson review.
I took an English lesson by a little bit strange teacher. He was grown up in Yemen but he lived in Egypt when the last lesson in 2020. But this time, he lives in Russia. He said he will live in Russia for at least 5 years. I asked him the reason why he decided to move to Russia, but he didn't say the detail well. He is an Muslim and he said Central and East Russia has arabic culture because USSR included Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, or so. And Islamic culture is remained there. He said that's one of the reasons he decided to move to Russia.
Islam has the different calender, Arabic calender. He said Muslim don't celebrate the new year on January 1st. Muslim celebrate Adha. He explained Adha using a word "sacrifice" but I didn't understand because I am not familer with Islam at all.
If you want to enjoy conversations with foreign people, you need to learn not only language but also culture and traditions.
Some of reader may realize that the rhyme in this article, Yemen and Ie-men.