たまにはオシャレに | Unlocking English Confidence.

Unlocking English Confidence.


Hi there, how are you?
We had a breakfast in the late morning at the bakery and cafe, Sunny Side. We were supposed to visit in the morning but my daughter woke up late. Having breakfast at a cafe is like stylish life, isn't it? By the way, Sunny Side is a popular small bakery chain in Kansai area. Fried curry bread is its specialty but they have variety of good breads.

We had lunch at TIERRA LUZ VIENTO, a spicy curry house, in Q's mall. The interior was very stylish. According to the information of the website of this company to deliver various restaurants, it seems the concept of this company is stylish space and fresh vegetables.
I ordered spicy keema curry. TIERRA LUZ VIENTO serves one-plate dishes. I know readers of my blog don't expect these stylish dishes on my blog articles at all. Please accept to post this kind of article sometimes.
Thank you for reading my blog. Have a nice week.
The review of English lesson yesterday.
The climate pattern in India is different by regions because India has huge area compared with Japan. South India has three seasons, Summer, Rainy and Winter. But it seems the difference in each season is small. Everyone has unconscious bias and everyone tends to think something depending on its experience. We shouldn't think everything what we know is true. Asking at first is really important to communicate with foreign people.