【路麺の日】青物横丁 うちば | Unlocking English Confidence.

Unlocking English Confidence.


Hi there, how are you?
Even though I did Romen activity two days ago, I did Romen activity because "Saturdays are Romen Days." The followers are very few but I don't give up the campaign.
I got off Aomono yokocho Station.

This was my first time to walk around here.
bb.q オリーブチキンカフェ
bb.q OLIVE CHICKEN cafe.
I touched on this Korean restaurant before, Soldiers of North Korea ate fried chickens of bb.q OLIVE CHICKEN at South Korea in Crash Landing on You.
Good smell of grilled ell were spreading around there. The eel restaurant Marutomi looks popular. There were many waiting people in line outside.
I walked for around 10 minutes from Aomono yokocho station, I got to Uchiba. Medias reported this stand-up soba noodle restaurant several times. Actually, he said he will be given an interview in the evening by staffs of a magazine "Otona no Shumatsu (Adult's Weekend)." The master of Uchiba was an actor before, I am not sure but I think he was not famous. He makes the soba noodles everyday by himself as hand-made. Furthermore, the soba noodle is Nihachi that is produced by 80% buckwheat flour.
It was full and some people were waiting inside. I had to wait more than 10 minutes.
I ordered shungiku-ten soba noodles by the food ticket vending machine. It was convenient because I paid by SUICA. I think electric payment system should be needed for restaurants, shops, etc.
The texture of noodles was completely different from other Romen houses actually. The noodles were likely being vulnerable and difficult to lift as beautiful. Honestly, the soba noodles should be eaten as cold soba noodles. Anyway, the soba noodles were very good, the soup was also good with rich dashi flavor. Sliced green onions didn't have any weird smell. The tempura was soft type, and shungiku had good bitter taste. Totally, it was pretty good. I understood why medias reported here again and again. 
I don't know any other Romen house that produce soba noodles by it self as hand-made. A person was reflected in the glass. I am sorry. It wasn't me.
I started Roka Sampo but it has been raining harder.
I walked to Oimachi station. Oimachi has a narrow food street that has an atmosphere of Showa Era.
I am interested in these restaurants in Oimachi area.
Aotake Hirauchi Kiccho.
Chuka Eiraku.
It seems fried rice and wonton ramen noodles are popular.
Thanks so much for reading my blog. Have a nice three days weekend!
I don't know how many people read my English lesson review. But I don't care that, it is just my reflection or practice of construction English sentences.
I realized that I need to improve my pronunciation of English because when the welcome party FriYay night the colleague from Taiwan asked me "I am sorry what?" several times. It was because of my pronunciation and my small voice.