DMM英会話 録音機能追加! | Unlocking English Confidence.

Unlocking English Confidence.




Hi there, how are you?

I have never known that DMM Eikaiwa added the new feature on the lesson from March 24 at all. I realized it few days ago. A lesson page has the recording feature of the lesson now. A lesson page records the lesson automatically, and after the lesson, you can listen the whole lesson, you can review your pronunciation.

I was really disappointed my poor speaking skill when I reviewed past lessons. I embarrassed that I thought I was speaking English fluently but it was so far from fluent. I am trying to increase a little output of English recently other than daily DMM English lesson. I am trying to speak something in English more by reading text books, or following while watching English educational videos on YouTube. To improve English skills requires much time, I know this behavior could improve my speaking skills several months later.


I am following an advice from YouTube channel English, "Watch TV and movies in your target language without subtitles." I promised myself I watch movies without subtitles from now on. I watched HARRIET on Netflix without subtitles. This movie is based on the true story about a black woman who fought slavery in the US in 1800s. I understood less than 50% of the lines. It is still hard to watch movies without subtitles but there is no way to get goal without basic trainings even taking long time. 


Thanks for reading my blog. Have a nice week!