Layoffs | Unlocking English Confidence.

Unlocking English Confidence.



  • Devan: So I think I’m getting laid off at my work.
  • Marni:  Oh no! Really? Why?
  • Devan:  ‘Cause it seems like they’re phasing me out. They’re only scheduling me two days a week, and I used to work four. And it’s been really slow lately ‘cause of the economy, ‘cause people aren’t going out to eat.
  • Marni:  Yeah, I think you’re, uh…Sounds like you’re gonna get the ax. It’s the recession, I mean, it’s happening, and it’s sad. It’s hitting all industries. It’s hitting people in office jobs, it’s hitting people who’re in the service industry...
  • Devan:  Yeah. I think I’m gonna have to file for unemployment, but unemployment checks are never for as much as you would normally make, so I’m pretty worried about it.
  • Marni:  Right. And there’s always the…And then you have to get a job and look for a job, and who wants to do that. So do you think you’re gonna get a pink slip or…
  • Devan:  I don’t know, I hope not. I open my locker at work every day hoping there’s not gonna be some pink slip waiting there for me telling me I’m not gonna have a job anymore.
  • Marni:  Well, best of luck to you, and hopefully…Maybe it’s a wise idea to start job-hunting now so you can be one step ahead of them.
  • Devan:  Yeah, I think I’m going to start looking for new jobs today.


Thank you for listening. Have a nice week!


English lesson review.


I talked with a teacher today about cats and dogs. As you know, I have both a dog and a cat. She has two cats. We enjoyed a conversation about the different characteristics between dogs and cats. As all of you know, dogs and cats have completely different characteristics, probably innate characteristics. I can say roughly dogs are childish and cats are selfish. Dogs can follow human's orders and always be there close to people. On the other hand, cats don't follow human's orders and only do based on their feeling. Cat sometimes isolates and sometimes meaw to you. Actually, my dog Roux is always in my working room when I am working from my house in Osaka. But my cat Nuts sometimes comes to the room based on her feeling. Maybe, she just doesn't like me. LOL

Can you explain a difference of characteristics between dogs and cats? What are your thoughts about that?

By the way, Polnareff-san's cat passed away unfortunately. I have never seen his cat but I am sad because I have often seen him/her on his blog articles. According to his article about his cat's death, his/her conditions was going worse rapidly, and passed away just several weeks later the diagnosis of kidney disease. Rest in peace.