【映画】薬は誰のものか? | Unlocking English Confidence.

Unlocking English Confidence.












Hi there, how you doing?

I watched a documentary film "fire in the blood" on Netflix. This film depicts inequality of healthcare system among the world in terms of ARV for HIV patients. This film emphasizes pharmaceutical industry prioritize its profit than people lives. Pharmaceutical industry is focusing on a size of the market of prescription medicines, they neglect patients in poor countries. In terms of HIV treatment, African countries looks like a plantation of medicine development. Pharmaceutical companies conduct clinical trials for HIV medicine in African countries because there are many poor HIV patients. However, HIV patients in African countries cannot take these approved brand HIV medicines because of the price. It is true from one perspective. Nowadays, patients with HIV who are taking proper antiviral medicines can live longer as well as healthy people. Do you know the fact?  Dr. Mitsuya has found a candidate of antiviral agent for HIV treatment for the first time in the world. A documentary book of his story I read was also interesting.

This film mentions "Patent kills many patients". CIPLA, an Indian pharmaceutical company produces a generic antiretrovirus agent beyond the patent. CIPLA provides lots of ARV medicine to HIV patients in Africa for pritty cheaper price. It can be said, CIPLA helps many HIV patients in Africa. It is true, indeed. But I would like to let you think who developed the medicine. CIPLA cannot provide these medicines without investment to develop medicines by big pharmaceutical companies.

I would like to know how you felt about this film.



I bought a smartphone stand at a 100 YEN shop. I already had a similar stand but it didn't work well on the table of a bullet train because it was slipped by shaking of a train.

This is better, I can watch Netflix in bullet train comfortably. Actually, I watched fire in the blood on the stand.



I watched fire in the blood on a bullet train from Osaka to Tokyo, using this smartphone stand. It is convenient.


Thank you for reading. Have a nice weekend!


English lesson review.


Next generation ropeway system could be an alternative to conventional transportation system such like trains or subways because of cheaper cost to build, need less space. It seems to be suitable with a transportation for short distance in metropolitan. Before coronavirus pandemic, transportation system had been crazy crowded everyday. But now not crowded because many people work from their home. Lines of trains and subways is spreading like spiderweb in Tokyo, it is really convenient. I am really satisfied with public transportation system in Tokyo. I don't know a necessity of next generation ropeway.