さくら ももいちご | Unlocking English Confidence.

Unlocking English Confidence.


さくら ももいちご🍓

Hi there, how you doing?
I bought strawberries that is called Sakura MoMo-Ichigo, at the grocery store. I rarely find this strawberry specie at grocery stores because the amount of harvest of this strawberry is smaller than other major strawberry species and this straw berry specie is vulnerable, it is difficult to keep the quality during long shipping.
I have a story about Sakura MoMo-Ichigo. Several years ago, my boss called me and said that "Hey! There is Sakura MoMo-Ichigo at AEON shopping store. I found it but it is almost sold out. You should come here and buy it! It is really tasty!". At that time, I was still working, I said "I am still working now, but I am gonna go. I will finish to work." But I didn't think that seriously. Around 30 minutes later I visited this grocery store and suprisingly I found him. He had secured the Sakura MoMo-Ichigo from other customers who wanted to buy the strawberry. I was really surprised that. I said "What are you doing here?" He said "What are you talking about? I am securing your MoMo-Ichigo here." I said "How would you have done, if I didn't come here?" He said "I believed you come."
He is one of my respected boss. He believed me and he believed my capability.
Several months later after this event, he entered his long rest due to his health problem. And he passed away due to the worsening of chronic heart failure.
I have decided that I would buy it, if I found it again. I haven't found Sakura MoMo-Ichigo since that time. Sakura MoMo-Ichigo is my memory for him. I pray his soul, rest in peace.
Thank you for reading. Have a nice day.
I made mistake the booking time of DMM English lesson yesterday. I forgot to join the class. I feel regret and I am sorry the tutor.